
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Zimbabwe, Iran strengthen trade ties

Zimbabwe, Iran strengthen trade ties
Tue, 18 Nov 2008 21:36:00 +0000

IRAN'S Deputy Commerce Minister Mehdi Ghazanfari said Monday that Iran is a reliable and powerful trade partner of Zimbabwe and reiterated his country's commitment to helping Zimbabwe recover from its current economic problems.

Ghazanfari told Zimbabwean Ambassador to Tehran, Nicholas D. Kiti Kiti that Iran and Zimbabwe should place the establishment of banks and joint investment as well as conclusion of trade and economic agreements high on the agenda.

He said the trade agreements currently under consideration should strengthen relations between the two countries.

Kiti Kiti called for Iran's contribution to investment in Zimbabwe's medicine, mining and power industries.

The two sides also discussed, among other issues, the expansion of trade between the two countries; export of Iranian medicine to Zimbabwe; and arrangements to hold the sixth joint commission session.

Iran exported pistachio, caustic soda, garlic and carpets among some important non-oil exports to Zimbabwe last year. Negotiations are under way for oil exports to Zimbabwe.

Ghazanfari also indicated that a new oil and natural gas deal will be signed by the two countries soon. Iran is currently negotiating a "natural gas cartel" with Russia and Qatar.

Zimbabwe’s national airline, Air Zimbabwe, this month commenced flights to Iran as part of a deal aimed at opening up new markets for both countries and expansion of the Zimbabwean tourism sector.


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