
Monday, December 29, 2008

(DAILY MAIL) Indeni seeks to supply Congo mines

COMMENT - But wasn't Indeni breaking down all the time, and didn't the economy grind to a halt when it was up for repairs? But now they have a temporary surplus, and they want to export it to the DRC, instead of creating stocks for when they are repairing again. :-/

Indeni seeks to supply Congo mines

ZAMBIA’S only oil refinery has asked the government to authorise exports of finished petroleum products to copper mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), officials said last week.

Zambia had been importing petrol and diesel in recent months as a result of normal maintenance at its Indeni Oil Refinery. A sudden surplus of fuel coupled with storage limits has led the refinery to ask permission to export to Congo.

"It is very clear that we now have more fuel than is required at the moment and the only way out is to export to the mines in the DRC like has been the case in the past," a senior official in the Ministry of Energy and Water Development said on condition of anonymity.

Indeni General manager, Fred Zama, told journalists that the refinery is eager to resume the exports following the arrival of 90,000 tonnes of crude oil at a mooring facility in Tanzania, the official said.

Indeni already exports 1,000 tonnes of liquefied petroleum gas to east Africa and hopes to soon include diesel and gasoline in its shipments
The government has directed the Energy Regulation Board (ERB) to tell oil marketing companies to cease fuel imports in an effort to ensure that existing inventories were first cleared through the market.- Reuters.

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