
Monday, December 29, 2008

(NYASATIMES) Govt starts maize handouts

Govt starts maize handouts
Emelyn Nyoni
29 December, 2008 01:00:00

Malawi government has swallowed its pride of denial that there is no food crisis in the country and has started distributing free maize to people after media reported hunger related deaths.

One man died from lack of food in Balaka districts and several reports have indicated that the situation was reaching “crisis point” prompting government to start giving food handouts.

Balaka District Commissioner James Manyetera confirmed that government is distributing maize to 1,400 initial beneficiaries in Phalula, Balaka.

According to Manyetera who conceded “there is hunger”, about 15,000 people are affected by the crisis.

He said the people will need free food to stay alive after their crops failed disastrously due to scanty rains in the area. Most people have been surviving on mangoes.

In another development, government is also distributing maize to people of Nsanje who have been displaced by the flood due to heavy rains.

Government has moved the distressed victims from traditional authority Nyachikata to emergencies accommodations at TA Ndamela area. They are putting up in schools and tents.

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