Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Kansanshi Mine to axe 298 jobs

COMMENT - So much for the justification for the Development Agreement that the mines will 'bring jobs'. After not paying taxes, not being forced to hire locally and not being required to reinvest or share profits, jobs are the first to go.

Kansanshi Mine to axe 298 jobs
Written by Mulimbi Mulaliki in Solwezi
Wednesday, December 03, 2008 9:25:46 AM

KANSANSHI Mining Plc is to declare 298 workers redundant. According to a letter addressed to the general secretaries for Mine Workers Union of Zambia (MUZ) and National Union of Miners and Allied Workers (NUMAW) signed by First Quantum Mining Operations (FQMO) project manager Ron Day, redundancy packages would be as in the collective agreement.

"Following our consultative meeting, we wish to put on record that we confirm that the numbers of labour envisaged for redundancy is 298, a departmental break down is tabulated as hereunder; load and haul 120, drill and blast 42, maintenance 48, logistics 5, administration 110, crusher 12, roads (Ndola) 50, and buildings (Ndola) 10," read Day's letter.

Day stated that the notice would be observed by both parties for 30 days as provided for by the law from November 11 to December 10 2008 and no redundancies would be effected during the period.

But FQMO workers interviewed complained that management had only targeted Zambians, leaving out foreigners who were paid a lot of money.

"We are appealing to our government to do something. How come it’s us Zambians being targeted when foreigners are being left to continue working," they wondered.

They complained that even the package they were giving which was below K20 million was too little to enable people start doing something.

Some mining companies have decided to cut jobs due to the decline in copper price that has dropped by over 50 per cent at the London metal exchange in the last four months.

The mine workers unions, who have called for an urgent meeting with President Rupiah Banda, say about 286 miners have lost their jobs at Bwana Mkubwa, 26 at Chambishi Metals and others at Kansanshi.

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