Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Mpombo refuses to apologise over his statement on demos

Mpombo refuses to apologise over his statement on demos
Written by Katwishi Bwalya
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 8:44:42 PM

DEFENCE minister George Mpombo has said he will not apologise to anyone over his statement that those planning peaceful demonstrations over high mealie-meal prices will be met with the full force of the law. In an interview, Mpombo said he will not retract or apologise for his statement because he meant well.

“Certain people have misunderstood my statement and some people have torn it out of context, but the thing is that I stand by what I said and I have no apologies to make to anyone whatsoever,” Mpombo said.

He said he had a responsibility of maintaining law and order and would not allow anarchy in the country.

“I will not succumb to arm-twisting because these people are planning to do things simultaneously by going to court with the election petition and on the other hand try to go to the streets in the name of demonstrating against high mealie-meal prices,” Mpombo said.

He said he saw no reason why he should apologise for trying to maintain peace in the country.

“I was warning those who wanted to conduct illegal demonstrations that the full force of the law will be applied on them because we don't want to see what happened in Kitwe to happen again. So of course we will worsen the situation by allowing the demonstrations to happen,” said Mpombo. ”As government, we have a mandate from the people of Zambia to maintain law and order and we will do just that.”

The opposition Patriotic Front (PF) has planned countrywide demonstrations against high prices of mealie meal and other essential commodities in the country. Several organisations, some traditional leaders and other influential individuals have supported the planned demonstrations, while the government has maintained that it would not give a go-ahead for the protest.

Last week, President Rupiah Banda appealed to the opposition political parties to dialogue with the government in finding solutions to the many economic problems the country was facing, among them the high price of mealie-meal.

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