Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Ngwenya calls for deeper COMESA integration

Ngwenya calls for deeper COMESA integration
Written by Nchima Nchito
Tuesday, December 02, 2008 5:05:07 AM

COMESA secretary general Sindiso Ngwenya has called for a deep and sober reflection over the regional integration process by member countries.

During the opening of the 25th meeting of the COMESA Intergovernmental Committee, Ngwenya (right) said as the regional economic bloc moves towards the stages of deeper integration, it was incumbent on member states, individually and collectively, to ensure that the integration process and programmes were all inclusive politically, socially and economically.

Ngwenya said this would lead to a successful regional integration process sought by member countries.

He added that it was against this background that member states need to conduct a comprehensive audit to review the extent to which council decisions had either been implemented or were pending.

Ngwenya said the Intergovernmental Committee would be invited to review the status of the implementation of COMESA programmes and recommend to Council, where necessary, measures for enhancing and expediting implementation.

He also paid tribute to both bilateral and multilateral partners who continue to provide generous support to member states through the COMESA secretariat.

“Your support and partnership in our quest to consign poverty to the dustbin of history is a re-affirmation that in this globalised world, we are inextricably inter-dependent,” said Ngwenya. “The most viable manifestation of this inter-dependence is the current financial meltdown whose effects is impacting most severely on the poorest of the poor, who are not responsible for the global financial crisis caused by the global corporate elites in developed countries.”

And commerce deputy minister, Richard Taima has advised the COMESA member countries to take a lead in ensuring that the adverse effects from the global economic meltdown were minimised in the region.

Taima said this could only be achieved if the region worked together in attaining the milestones that were set with regard to enhancing intra-regional trade and development.

“The major achievements of the October tripartite summit towards wider regional integration should be taken forward through the finalisation of appropriate terms of reference and the conclusion of memoranda of understanding,” said Taima.

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