
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

(NYASATIMES) Malawi threatens shut down of FM 101 Radio

Malawi threatens shut down of FM 101 Radio
Ruby Suzghika
29 December, 2008 09:42:00

Malawi government has threatened to shut down a private radio station, Power FM 101 if it fails to pay broadcasting fees. Government spokeswoman Patricia Kaliati issued the stern warning on Monday and gave FM 101 deadline of January 2, 2009 to pay or face closure.

Kaliati, Information and Civic Education minister disclosed this after a special arranged meeting with Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (Macra.)

“We don’t gazette license without paying fees. We as the –FM 101- to come and pay by January 2,” said the minister.

She said since the radio opened ten years ago, it has not been paying broadcasting fees.

The Information Minister said FM 101 license is not gazetted and they have been operating “illegally”.

She threatened that the radio license will be revoked by January 2 if the station will not pay its entire broadcasting license.

It could not be established how much FM 101 is to pay in broadcasting fees by Kaliati said they can pay in installments until January 2.

The threats coincided with the radio being off air the better part of Monday.

However, this is said to have occurred because is equipment at Mpingwe was faulty.

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