Sunday, December 28, 2008

ZMD predicts higher rainfall

ZMD predicts higher rainfall
Written by Florence Bupe
Sunday, December 28, 2008 12:33:37 PM

THE Zambia Meteorological Department (ZMD) has projected increased rainfall activities in some parts of the country that may result in flash flooding.

ZMD deputy director Jacob Nkomoki said in an interview that Central, Copperbelt and Southern Provinces were expected to record above excessive rainfall volumes during the period running up to January 2, 2009. He explained that this was as a result of the moist north westerly winds currently influencing the country.

“The whole country is under the influence of winds from the north- west, which are very moist. The Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) has shifted to oscillate over the northern parts of Zimbabwe. As a result, we are expecting heavy rainfall over the Copperbelt, Central and, especially, Southern provinces, where we are predicting rainfall records of more than 75 millimetres,” he said.

Nkomoki said there would be a temporal reduction of rainfall activities tomorrow, but said the pattern would shortly after return to record above normal rainfall.

However, Nkomoki said North Western, Western and Eastern provinces were expected to record below normal rainfall.

And the Southern Province Meteorological Department has warned of the swelling of the Zambezi and Kafue rivers as a result of heavy rains being experienced in the province.

This situation is expected to contribute to floods in the province.

Heavy rains have reportedly already caused damage to infrastructure and fields in some parts of the province.

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