
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bweengwa MP laments govt response to poverty

Bweengwa MP laments govt response to poverty
Written by Gillian Namungala
Sunday, January 18, 2009 6:29:18 AM

BWEENGWA member of parliament Highvie Hamududu has accused the government of not being serious in addressing the hunger situation in rural areas.
In an interview, Hamududu said the government’s response to rural poverty was not impressive.

“The price of mealie meal in rural areas is still very high. I can confirm that a 25 kilogramme bag of mealie meal is still at K70,000 and yet in towns, the prices have been reduced. Anyone can challenge me on this one,” Hamududu said.

“I was just touring my constituency where the hunger situation is very serious. People there are really suffering. I almost cried when I got there because the situation is bad.”

Hamududu, who accused the ruling MMD of working under pressure, urged the government to work very hard and ensure that Zambians were liberated from poverty.

“This government is only responding to pressure. When there is no pressure, they relax which should not be the case,” Hamududu said. “The administration and the all government systems are dead and people are losing faith in them (government officials) because they are not addressing problems the people are facing.”

He said it was unfortunate that district commissioners were not giving the true picture of what was happening in rural areas to the government. Hamududu has since called on president Rupiah Banda to put his government in order to ensure improved performance of his administration.

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