
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Revolution has converted Cuba into example of dignity – Carmelina

Revolution has converted Cuba into example of dignity – Carmelina
Written by Katwishi Bwalya
Sunday, January 18, 2009 6:26:52 AM

CUBAN Ambassador to Zambia Carmelina Ramirez Rodriguez on Thursday said her country’s Revolution has converted a humiliated and dependable neo-colonial country into a universal example of dignity.

During the 50th Anniversary of the Cuban revolution celebrations in Lusaka, Ambassador Rodriguez said the Cuban Revolution was a model of social justice, solidarity and a paradigm of resistance.

“From the beginning, the Cuban Revolution had established as one of its principal objective to overcome underdevelopment, eradicate poverty and defeat economic and social inequalities,” Ambassador Rodriguez said.

She said this was the principle that had been maintained along the five decades.

Ambassador Rodriguez said the Cuban Revolution had promised employment for all who had the capacity to work.

“The Cuban Revolution had promised free access to health, education for all, decent living conditions for all,” she said.

Ambassador Rodriguez said there was no single Cuban family feeling sorry for not being able to send a child to school or because a sick relative was unable to exercise the right to receive medical assistance.

She said Cubans were proud of the work that had been done and solid perspective of the country’s economic and social development.

“None of the almost one billion illiterates that exist in today’s world is a Cuban citizen. There is not any child at any traffic light cleaning windscreens or asking for something to eat,” Ambassador Rodriguez said.” We know that this work is far from being perfect, however, like any other human work, it is perfectible. We ourselves are the most unsatisfied with what has been done .We have a clear notion that we need to do a lot more than what has been done.”

She said the greatest achievement for the Cuban Revolution was the creation of human beings who were motivated by the desire to make a better world.

Ambassador Rodriguez said this was despite the challenges of fifty years of continuous harassment.

And home affairs minister Dr Kalombo Mwansa said Zambia applauded the political, economic and social advancements made by Cuba which had brought great benefits to the Cubans.

“Zambia’s desire is to take full advantage of initiatives that foster economic corporation between the two countries. Our common good of improving the living standards of our people demands that economic corporation be placed at the centre of our friendship,” said Dr Mwansa.

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