
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

(HERALD) MDC-T demands unreasonable

MDC-T demands unreasonable

EDITOR — Opposition MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai has proved beyond all reasonable doubt that he is a most unreasonable man. I read with amazement in your paper yesterday how he rejected all efforts to make him see sense.

Perhaps now everyone will see what some of us have been seeing all along, namely that Tsvangirai is not concerned about the future of this country.

I will confess that I am among those people who have never had faith in the agreement that was signed by the three main political parties last year.

This is for the simple reason that everything I have seen of Tsvangirai since the late 1990s points to a person who cannot be trusted and who engages in a lot of hypocritical language and posturing.

There has never been any evidence that Tsvangirai is interested in the development of this country.

For those that doubt the veracity of this statement, please just consider how the man campaigned for sanctions to be slapped on our beloved Zimbabwe.

Anyone who loves his country and wants it to prosper and develop will not ask the enemy to destroy the economy.

Tsvangirai has also failed to speak out against the calls for military intervention in Zimbabwe by foreigners.

In fact, he continues to cavort with the same people who want innocent Zimbabweans to be bombed and killed just so that he can get into power.

The facts speak for themselves.

Hopefully now the Southern Africa Development Community and the African Union will realise that Tsvangirai has been taking them for a ride all along and has no intention to finalise the agreement with Zanu-PF and Professor Arthur Mutambara’s MDC party.

It is time for Zimbabweans to unequivocally make it clear to Tsvangirai and his masters in the West that we will not tolerate anyone who plays games with matters of national importance.

If Tsvangirai wants to act the way he is doing, he should change his citizenship and move permanently to Botswana.

I am sure that the bachelor president called Ian Khama will not hesitate to accommodate him there because he seems to love him so much.

Those of us who are interested in seeing this country develop and overcome the challenges facing us because of people like Tsvangirai should remain behind and form a Government that will take us forward.

As for Tsvangirai, the message should be clear from all corners whether in Zimbabwe, Sadc or the AU: Enough is enough and the time for Western puppets in our internal politics is over.

Cde Josphat Mandizha.

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