
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

(HERALD) Sadc, Zanu-PF stop humuoring Morgan

Sadc, Zanu-PF stop humuoring Morgan

ONCE again, Zimbabweans have been bogged down by the merry-go-round talks about talks that just can’t seem to be concluded.

The question on everyone’s lips is: For how long shall the nation be held to ransom by a man who clearly is not acting of his own volition, but comes to the table as an agent of the inimical forces that have imposed ruinous sanctions on our people?

Sadc leaders should ask why at every opportunity Tsvangirai asks to leave the room to consult before making a decision as if he is the only one with a party and constituents to consult?

It would have been better if he was consulting people who voted for him. He — instead — consults British and American envoys or agents who always hover at every conference or summit venue where the abortive talks will be in session.

We can’t help, but feel outrage at Zanu-PF and Sadc’s tendency to be at the beck and call of Tsvangirai as if he is anything more than an opposition leader.

Suddenly, Tsvangirai not only sits in Sadc forums like a head of state, but can ask for a summit and get it.

Not only that, he can ask for a summit, get it, boycott it, spend the day playing golf, and even refuse to board a specially-sent royal jet, ask for another summit, gets it, and refuse to be bound by the decisions so reached, with no comebacks.

What is more, he can leave a summit venue, ostensibly to ‘‘consult,’’ leave leaders in limbo till he returns, only to go back on what he would have assented to, with no questions asked.

What sort of monster are we creating when we allow a whole region to be taken for a ride by a man who clearly feels he answers to a higher god, a god resident in the Western hemisphere?

Why is Zanu-PF appearing so desperate to accommodate Tsvangirai as if it does not have a mandate, through President Mugabe, to form a Government?

While it’s given that Tsvangirai is wanted in Government to remove the excuse Westerners use in attempts to justify their ruinous sanctions, there is no guarantee that they will remove the sanctions if Tsvangirai joins Government.

We have wasted precious time on this abortive process as it is, and diverted our attention from the pressing problems confronting the nation where our undivided attention is needed the most.

But again, we can’t help but feel Zanu-PF and Sadc leaders got just deserts for treating Tsvangirai like a god, meeting his every demand, no matter how outrageous, and smiling at his insults and snubs, no matter how scandalous.

We can’t understand why Zanu-PF and Sadc would want to continue humouring Tsvangirai when there is a full summit resolution in place calling for the immediate formation of the envisaged Government?

Sadc adopted a resolution on the envisaged inclusive Government on November 9 in Sandton, Johannesburg, and to the best of our knowledge, that resolution has not been rescinded.

An agreement laying the framework for the Government was signed by all the parties to the agreement, and Constitutional Amendment Number 19 Bill that seeks to give legal effect to that framework was gazetted and now awaits passing in Parliament.

Tsvangirai and MDC leader Professor Arthur Mutambara were invited to come for swearing in as premier and deputy premier respectively.

With the process towards the formation of the envisaged Government in motion, we do not see the need for another summit, unless Sadc leaders are saying Tsvangirai was right in asserting that their resolution was a ‘‘nullity’’.

To this end, we feel the only role Monday’s Extraordinary Summit can play is in telling Tsvangirai and his handlers that enough is enough, lest the region unwittingly sets a dangerous precedent to all stooges, and nurture a monster that will pose a serious risk to regional peace and security.

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