Monday, January 26, 2009

(HERALD) Stop listening to outsiders, MDC-T told

Stop listening to outsiders, MDC-T told
Herald Reporter

THE Zimbabwe Sovereignty Preservers and Economic Survival Support Network, a voluntary organisation formed and registered last year, has challenged MDC-T to stop receiving instructions from the British and Americans and urgently join the envisaged inclusive Government.

In an interview yesterday, the organisation’s founder, Cde Paradzai Magauze, said MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai should put the interests of the people first.

"We urge Tsvangirai to put Zimbabwe and its people first and not to listen to outsiders as they are not a solution to our problems. We will not sacrifice our sovereignty for United States dollars," he said.

Zanu-PF as well as a number of analysts have said Tsvangirai is under instruction from the West not to join the envisaged inclusive Government despite signing the September 15, 2008 broad-based agreement.

Cde Magauze said his organisation and the people of Zimbabwe appreciated efforts to accommodate MDC-T in Government but were disturbed by the opposition party’s ruinous "chameleon-type of politics".

He said Zimbabwe gained independence through a painful struggle, hence the need to guard it jealously from those pushing for illegal regime change.

"The God who delivered land to us will not take it away from us and hand it to the former colonisers. He will provide us with wisdom to counter a hundred times imperial forces."

Cde Magauze urged every patriotic Zimbabwean to unite and fight any efforts at a comeback by colonial forces.

Cde Kingston Chimbwanda, the network’s secretary, said Zimbabwe should not be held to ransom by "a puppet establishment".

"We are aware of the regime change agenda. We are watching very closely," said Cde Chimbwanda.

The network hailed President Mugabe for being an icon of peace and father figure to the nation and Africa as a whole and for pursuing black empowerment policies.

It said Cde Mugabe’s victory in the June 27 presidential run-off shamed the country’s detractors.

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