
Wednesday, January 07, 2009

(LUSAKATIMES) Govt considers options of nationalising ailing mines

Govt considers options of nationalising ailing mines
January 6, 2009

President Banda says government is considering taking over operations of mines that are facing operation difficulties on the Copperbelt province. President Banda has disclosed that government through the ministry of mines is having discussions as to when government would nationalise the mines.

He said government will not nationalise mines with vibrant operations because its vision is to encourage the private public partnership spearheaded by the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry in conjunction with the ministry Mines Ministry.

The President was answering questions from Journalists shortly before departure for Kasama, in Northern Province where he has gone for a four-day official visit.

On arrival in Kasama, President Rupiah Banda said it is a misconception for some people to conclude that his administration would immediately address all the challenges facing the country.

Mr Banda said critics of his administration have mislead some sections of society that during elections campaigns him and the MMD campaign team had promised to immediately address all the challenges facing the country.

President Banda said the correct position was that his administration would work with the sense of urgency to address the challenges the country is facing .

Mr. Banda said efforts by his administration can be seen through the fuel and mealie meal price reduction.

Mr. Banda has pledged to spread development to all part of the country even in areas that did not vote for him.

The President said his administration would be all embracing as he is the father of all Zambians.

Mr Banda stated that a number of projects have already been started across the country even in opposition strong holds.

The president is accompanied by Tourism and Natural Resources Minister Catherine Namungala, Works and Supply Minister Mike Mulongoti , Presidential Affairs Minister Gabriel Namulambe , Local government and Housing Minister Benny Tetamashimba, Deputy Minister in the office of the Vice President Gunstone Sichilima and Finance Deputy Minister Chileshe Kapwepwe.


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