
Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Police charge Masebo’s stalker

Police charge Masebo’s stalker
Written by Kelvin Tembo
Wednesday, January 07, 2009 2:59:53 PM

THE police officer who has been stalking former local government minister Sylvia Masebo was yesterday charged for criminal trespass.

And police have disclosed that the officer, Wasilota Mukela, who was stationed at Ibex Hill Police Post in Lusaka stayed away from work for the past one year but was still drawing his salary.

But Masebo’s elder brother Francis Tembo urged the police to conduct thorough investigations because this was the second time that Mukela was arrested for the same behaviour.

Police spokesperson Bonny Kapeso disclosed in an interview yesterday that Mukela would remain in police custody until investigations were concluded. Kapeso said no reasonable police officer could behave the way Mukela did.

Kapeso said police have recommended a mental check-up for Mukela. He said Mukela was charged with criminal trespass.

“From the interview we had with the officer, it was clear that his mental capability was questionable. That’s why we have recommended that he goes for mental examination,” said Kapeso.

But Tembo urged the police to conduct thorough investigations before concluding that Mukela was a mental patient. He said in July last year, Mukela was arrested and detained for four days at Woodlands Police Station after he went to Masebo’s residence claiming that she was his wife. Tembo said after four days, the police – through Masebo’s then state security officer – said they had decided to release Mukela from custody because it was discovered that he had mental problems when he was referred to Chainama Hospital.

“But the question is, if this police officer is a mental patient, why was he released back into society instead of keeping him in a mental hospital where he belongs? Isn’t he a danger to society for the police to release him back into society?” Tembo asked. “As a family, we fear for Sylvia’s life. It’s either this man is being used by other people to cause harm to her or he himself has a bad motive against Sylvia. The first time they arrested him in July last year, the police said the same thing that he had mental problems but they proceeded to release him. This time they are saying the same thing. Are they going to be more serious after our sister has been harmed. And if he is a mental patient, why has the police command allowed him to continue carrying a military knife and a police identity card? Why hasn’t he been confined to where he belongs as a mental patient? And how can the police say this man disappeared from work for the last one year although he continued to draw his salary when six months ago they arrested and detained him for four days? Why didn’t they take appropriate action against him at that time? That is why we are saying that as a family, we feel there is more to this matter and thorough investigations must be conducted because this problem has been going on for the last two years.”

Masebo could not be reached for comment as she was reported to be out of the country, by press time.

Mukela, 35 was on Monday apprehended by Masebo’s workers at her Ibex Hill house for stalking her. He was found with a military bayonet knife hidden in his trousers which they alleged he wanted to use to harm Masebo.

Mukela has been phoning Masebo almost every morning at 05:45 hours and in the evening at around 22:00 hours trying to speak to her as his wife.

On Monday, Mukela went to Masebo’s house in a hired taxi. When he reached her residence around 10:00 hours, he phoned Masebo who gave her phone to an MMD official to answer the phone.

When he heard a male voice, he asked the taxi driver to drive off but before they could leave, Masebo and other MMD officials – Belly Munyumbwe and Kennedy Matabula – came outside the yard where Mukela was later apprehended.

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