Sunday, January 25, 2009

Protection of environment shouldn’t be left to public officials – Mwansa

Protection of environment shouldn’t be left to public officials – Mwansa
Written by Moses Kuwema
Sunday, January 25, 2009 7:20:07 AM

ZAMBIA Revenue Authority (ZRA) Commissioner General Chriticles Mwansa has said the protection of the environment should not only be left to public officials.

During the celebrations to mark the International Customs Day under the theme 'customs and the environment, protecting our natural heritage', Mwansa said collective responsibility of all institutions was required.

He said ZRA would ensure that nothing whose importation or exportation is controlled under any law or international convention crosses Zambia's boundaries without due authority.

Mwansa said ZRA, the National Heritage Commission and the Environmental Council of Zambia (ECZ) were interdependent on one another.

And ECZ acting director Chibesa Chibesakunda said ECZ established partnerships not only between government departments but also with the private sector.

Chibesakunda said ECZ acknowledged the continued support rendered by ZRA particularly in chemical management conducted mainly at ports of entry.

She said the support had resulted in the establishment of ECZ offices in Chirundu and Livingstone adding that this had improved the regulation of chemicals in these areas.

However, Chibesakunda said there was need to strengthen border controls in other strategic ports of entry such as Nakonde, Mwami, and Kasumbalesa in order to monitor and control imports of chemicals and other hazardous substances.

Meanwhile, National Museums board executive secretary Flexon Mizinga bemoaned the illicit trafficking of cultural property.

Mizinga said some of the culprits of this trend were museum employees and diplomats because they were rarely searched.

Mizinga said there was need to raise awareness on illicit culture property and that security should be tightened at border posts.

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