Monday, January 12, 2009

S/Africa’s ANC promises decent work, sustainable livelihoods

S/Africa’s ANC promises decent work, sustainable livelihoods
Written by Bivan Saluseki
Monday, January 12, 2009 6:40:12 AM

SOUTH Africa's ruling African National Congress (ANC) president Jacob Zuma says the party should work towards creating decent work and sustainable livelihoods for the people.

Launching the 2009 election manifesto at ABSA stadium in East London, South Africa on Saturday, Zuma said the creation of decent work was at the centre of the party's economic policies.

"An important aspect of a successful developmental state is the capacity of public servants to execute the tasks with which they have been entrusted. This means that the right personnel should be placed in the correct positions," he said.

Zuma said the government needed to put in place a comprehensive state-led industrial policy that would direct public and private investment to support employment creation and broader economic transformation.

"State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) have important roles to play in achieving the goal of a better life for all. These institutions must have clear and concise developmental mandates," he said.

"Our people have spoken clearly. They say that DFIs are not easily accessible and that they often seem to be competing with commercial banks."

Zuma said ANC policies, such as black economic empowerment and affirmative action, had contributed to the growth of South Africa's black middle class by 2.6 million in 2007.

He said ANC would introduce a sustainable early childhood development system that gives children a head start in numeracy and literacy.

"A social solidarity principle will be applied and those who are eligible to contribute will be required to do so, according to their ability to pay. Payment will not be a condition for treatment and health care," he said.

Zuma said South Africa should reduce the rate of HIV infections by 50 per cent through an aggressive information and prevention campaign.

On corruption, Zuma said the ANC would step up measures in fighting it within its ranks and the state, as part of the fight against crime.

"This will include measures to review the tendering system, to ensure that ANC members in business, public servants and elected representatives do not abuse the state for corrupt practices," he said.

Zuma said it was imperative that politicians and civil servants did not tamper with the adjudication of tenders.

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