
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Choma body rejects CDF project proposals

Choma body rejects CDF project proposals
Written by Charles Mangwato in Choma
Tuesday, February 03, 2009 8:56:39 AM

THE Choma District Development Coordinating Committee (DDCC) has refused to approve project proposals amounting to K 350 million under the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) for Choma central.

Members of the committee resolved unanimously during their meeting held in Choma over the weekend not to endorse project proposals submitted by various wards as most of the applications lacked merit and sufficient information.

Members further noted that most proposed projects were not viable to warrant public resources to be expended on.

This is the second time in less than a week that the DDCC has met and rejected the same CDF projects proposals submitted by the planning sub-committee of the DDCC.

Committee Chairman, who is also district commissioner, Laiven Apuleni said the decision of the members was binding and that the project proposals would be sent back and subjected to field appraisals to satisfy concerns raised by the DDCC.

During the meeting, it emerged that some of the project proposals had unrealistic figures thereby raising suspicion about the credibility of the projects.

In one instance, the community had applied for as little as K 2. 5 million for the construction of a one-by-three classroom block.

But the Ministry of Education submitted to the committee that the realistic figure for the construction of a one-by-three classroom block at the prevailing economic situation was K 180 million.

Most of the project proposals from various communities for the rehabilitation of schools and health centres had amounts that were not sufficient for the completion of the project applied for.

Members of the DDCC resolved that they would not endorse their signatures to a project document that was not clear especially that the CDF was public fund.

They noted that members of Choma Constituency CDF were more concerned with sharing of K400 million according to their wards without considering priorities and the impact of the projects.

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