
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Musosha cautions utility company against politics

Musosha cautions utility company against politics
Written by Christopher Miti in Chipata
Tuesday, February 03, 2009 8:58:40 AM

LOCAL government and housing deputy minister Chrispin Musosha has said Eastern Water and Sewerage Company (EWSC) board members would do a lot of injustice if they bring politics in the new board.

Inaugurating the new EWSC board at Luangwa House in Chipata on Sunday, Musosha said it was unfortunate that certain times the water utilities were being politicized although time for politics was gone.

Among the new board members are Victor Zulu board chairman who is an agricultural officer in Chadiza district, Martha Mulenga, vice-chairperson who is also Eastern Province MMD chairlady, Osman Moosa, board member who is also Nyika MMD ward councilor in Petauke. Other board members are; Josephine Chirwa, Derrick Sikazwe, Alex Bwalya, Alibania Siwalyondo, Alex Harawa, Nelia Tembo and Benjamin Kawengele.

"The time for politics was the time when we were campaigning for presidency for parliament and for local government seats. This time around is for service provision, people out there are so expectant for many things. They are so expectant to see us do many things that we promised during the campaign and therefore those that may want to create unconduicive environment for service delivery or against service delivery, it’s unfortunate and we are not going to allow that." said Musosha.

Musosha urged the board members to ensure that they did what the people were expecting from them.

He said the company must collect all the revenues that were due and use the available resources in a prudent manner to ensure value for the services provided were appreciated by the general public.

Musosha said he was committed to ensuring that government departments settled their bills in full and timely.

He said members of the board should not become a liability to the company by making demands that could not be met by the company.

Musosha said the members of the board had been drawn from different institutions and organisations to provide broad representation to carter for all stakeholders and also to ensure a cross-breed of ideas.

Eastern Province permanent secretary Eularia Siyamujaye urged the new board to work hand-in-hand with the provincial administration.

Chipata mayor Sinoya Mwale said the new board should work extremely hard to further improve the water situation.

Mwale said it was gratifying to note that people were receiving adequate water and that complaints of water shortage were a thing of the past.

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