Tuesday, February 10, 2009

(LUSAKATIMES) CDP reaction to 2009 budget

CDP reaction to 2009 budget
February 10, 2009

After much deliberation on the 2009 Budget, CDP (Citizens Democratic Party) takes note that the INTENT of the 2009 budget as presented by the MMD government is good and can be said to be “on point”. However, reading further into the budget, the party finds that put into practice, this budget puts up a dismal reaction, to the extraordinary economic situation we currently face.

Government should NOT bury their heads in the sand, and blame every inadequacy, on what is going on in these challenging economic times. We believe that our country can put up a fight in this storm and prevail, with intelligent use of our country’s resources.

The 2009 Budget matches the character of past budgets, which have failed to counter the various challenges our nation faces. This budget is a repetition of expenditure on “tried and true” failures in terms of redundant projects and programs. To put it in Zambian terms, the MMD government has “stuck to the formula”, by simply plugging in figures by default, in the same old pattern to address Zambia’s challenges.

At a time when the economic resources are limited, this government shows no intent to reduce its size, but continues to spend in what may be termed as “lavish”- considering Zambia’s fragile economic position. A responsible government would have immediately identified a reduction in government as a key measure to reallocate resources to strategic developmental projects which have an immediate positive impact on our citizenry, and also position Zambia for a better future.

Alas and behold, the MMD government seems blind to this simple fact, and continues to spend money on a mammoth bureaucracy. Further, government continues to spend on redundant projects such as feeder roads, which require expenditure every single year for maintenance. We also have failed institutions such as the Food Reserve Agency continue to receive money, without an explanation on how this agency will reposition itself and perform better this year, in line with the funds it has been allocated. These are but a few of the pressing issues surrounding the practicality of the 2009 Budget.

[Press release by CDP]

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