
Monday, February 16, 2009

Rupiah sanctioned Dora’s actions - pastor Chiluba

Rupiah sanctioned Dora’s actions - pastor Chiluba
Written by George Chellah
Monday, February 16, 2009 3:58:57 PM

President Rupiah Banda has sanctioned communications and transport minister Dora Siliya's actions in the partial privatisation of Zamtel, Healing Word Ministries senior pastor Moses Chiluba charged yesterday.

Commenting on the recent tender scams involving Siliya, pastor Chiluba described the recent happenings as pathetic. He advised Siliya not to speak in parables over the Zamtel and RP Capital Partners deal.

“What we are going through as a nation is pathetic. When you are given authority or power to rule people…people are not inferior to Cabinet ministers,” pastor Chiluba said.

“Dora was a journalist like you, today she is privileged she is in power. When people are in power, they should realise that they were once not in power but today they are there and one day they will be out of power.”

Pastor Chiluba continued: “With my knowledge in Diploma in Law from NIPA, I looked at our national Constitution which is the supreme law of the land. The President, ministers and all the people, are under this Constitution. The President, when taking up office, makes an oath to protect the same. On the duties of a citizen, Article 113 says and I quote: 'It shall be the duty of every citizen - [a] be patriotic and loyal to Zambia and to promote its well-being.

“ [d] Promote democracy and the rule of law; (g), carry out with discipline and honesty legal public functions; [i] assist in the enforcement of the law at all times.”

Pastor Chiluba further said: “Article 115 [1] also says, money shall not be expended from the general revenues of the Republic unless -[a] the expenditure is authorised by warrant under the President; [2] [a] the expenditure is authorised by an Appropriation Act; [c] the expenditure has been proposed in the supplementary estimate approved by the National Assembly."

He said when citizens spoke on matters of national interest, they just pick their duties as enshrined in the Constitution.

“The article on Attorney General Mumba Malila is quite saddening, when the minister can't even adhere to what legal advisers are saying. Where is the rule of law?” pastor Chiluba asked.

He said Siliya's actions had the President's backing.

“For Dora to do what she is doing, I am of the opinion that the President has a hand in it to sanction what is going on.” pastor Chiluba said.

“Since Article 46 [3] says: A minister shall be responsible, under the directions of the President, for such business of the Government including the administration of any Ministry or Department of Government as the President may assign to such Minister."

Pastor Chiluba urged the nation to take note of President Banda's statements on this issue.

“The nation should also check out the President… what is he saying in the light of what is going on? A President's statement must be made for the government to remain credible. The President is the appointing officer of ministers, but ministers are not to say yes to everything the President says. They are there to advise with honesty and integrity of heart,” pastor Chiluba said.

“Therefore, whoever is wrong between the President and the minister, the statements must be made clear to the people of Zambia. It's not just a matter of saying 'we are the government in power.' Parties come and go but the economy must be fixed.

“The same speed at which they want to sell Zamtel, that is the speed they should have to upgrade the voters' register. When we are aspiring for leadership, we are so much in a hurry. But when we put people in power, the government gives voters names. They call us ‘nonsense’ and yet we are the people who vote.”

He said every person who comes with advice to the leadership should not be perceived as an enemy.

“A good leader will always take criticism, improve and avoid dangers. The government should learn to clarify issues clearly to the people. They should not speak in parables. Parables were for our Lord Jesus Christ, even though, all the parables he spoke were clarified to all of us his followers,” pastor Chiluba said.

“If she (Siliya) has privatised or engaged people in the selling of Zamtel, let her just say it. Even the issue of firing boards, is she saying all those board members were wrong? It's also an intellectual insult to say the Attorney General and other technocrats don't know what they are doing on this matter.”

Pastor Chiluba said members of parliament are also called upon to explain this issue to the electorate.

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