
Monday, February 16, 2009

Use CDF to construct skills centres, Chipungu urges east MPs

Use CDF to construct skills centres, Chipungu urges east MPs
Written by Christopher Miti in Chipata
Monday, February 16, 2009 4:03:02 PM

SPORTS minister Kenneth Chipungu has encouraged members of parliament in Eastern Province to take keen interest in building youth skills centres using Constituency Development Funds (CDF).

Chipungu said the government's plans to build youth skills centres in all the districts in the country had been hampered by limited resources.

"I really want to encourage members of parliament here that they should take this example that Honourable Forrie Tembo, member of parliament, is doing to try and construct skills centres in their respective constituencies. As you know, us as members of parliament we are getting a sum of K400 million now as a constituency and I think it's good that a bit of that money is directed to making skills centres," said Chipungu when he paid a courtesy call on Eastern Province permanent secretary Eularia Siyamujaye on Saturday as part of his tour of the province.

And Siyamujaye said youths and children were a key factor in national development.

She said shaping youths and children at a tender age could enable them have a good future.

Siyamujaye said the Chiwoko Youth Skills Centre, which is currently being used to train street children, was also vital to the country's development.

"Children who are from the street come out of there (Chiwoko) with all the confidence that they desire to fit in society," she said.

Siyamujaye said the Ministry of Sport, Youth and Child Development personnel in the province were very vigilant and had been working well with the provincial administration.

Chipungu toured Chiwoko Youth Skills Centre which is being run by the Zambia National Service (ZNS), David Kaunda Stadium, Smiling Kids Orphanage Centre, Cheshire Homes and St Anne's Craft Centre during his tour of Chipata district.

Chipungu was also expected to tour the youth skills centre currently under construction in Nyimba district yesterday.

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