
Sunday, February 01, 2009

There’s a lot of bull******** in MMD – Shakas

There’s a lot of bulls******g in MMD – Shakas
Written by Moses Kuwema and Gillian Namugala
Sunday, February 01, 2009 3:44:38 PM

THERE is a lot of bullshitting in MMD because some members think they own President Rupiah Banda, MMD Katuba member of parliament Jonas Shakafuswa has said
In an interview yesterday, Shakafuswa mentioned works and supply minister Mike Mulongoti, tourism minister Catherine Namugala and local government minister Benny Tetamashimba as some of the members that think they own President Banda.

“To start with, Tetamashimba cannot talk about Katele [Kalumba] and [Michael] Mabenga because he is junior and I think he should not be doing what he did in UPND. Some of us did not join MMD for positions,” Shakafuswa said.

He said what was coming out now from the MMD was very unfortunate because some people think they were the ones who campaigned for President Banda alone. Shakafuswa vowed to continue speaking out. He said he was not scared of people he referred to as “little babies” whom he said used their mouths and not their heads.

“We all campaigned for Rupiah Banda. I personally used my own money to make sure that MMD won in my constituency,” Shakafuswa said. “Now, if people want to think they are more superior than others, they won't win in 2011. My advice to them is that they should go to hell. There is a lot of intimidation from some MMD members and it is these same people that want to divide the party. But the party doesn't belong to a few people. If Sondashi wants to stand for the MMD presidency at the convention, he is free to do so.”

Shakafuswa said there was need for the MMD's National Executive Committee (NEC) to call for the convention early if the tenets of democracy were to be upheld because the position of party president was not a casual one which should be filled anyhow.

He said those who campaigned for other candidates, other than President Banda, to stand on the MMD ticket as presidential candidate were now being considered as second-class members.

Shakafuswa also advised NEC to be consulting members before making certain decisions.

“How does Central Province MMD chairperson speak on behalf of the province when he has not consulted other members in the constituencies?” Shakafuswa asked.

And Shakafuswa has called on the government not to consider former finance minister Ng'andu Magande as an enemy.

Magande was among the MMD candidates who applied to be adopted to stand as a presidential candidate during last year's presidential elections.

And Shakafuswa, who served as finance deputy minister in the last administration, said Magande deserved respect for the many achievements he scored for Zambia.

“This government should not look at Magande as an enemy. He is the longest serving finance minister the country has had and we can't belittle what he has achieved for this economy,” said Shakafuswa. “People should not look at him as an enemy. So if this government decide to view him as an enemy, people will laugh at us because they have seen what he has done for this country. I personally know Magande worked hard for this country but I am not saying the new minister [Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane] is not capable to deliver.”

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