
Sunday, February 01, 2009

Tsvangirai agrees to inclusive govt

Tsvangirai agrees to inclusive govt
Written by Kingsley Kaswende in Harare
Sunday, February 01, 2009 3:42:53 PM

MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai has said his party will join ZANU-PF in forming an inclusive government, stressing that MDC is now fighting the struggle for democracy in Zimbabwe in a new arena.

Announcing his party's decision to join the inclusive government following the national executive council meeting on Friday afternoon, Tsvangirai said, however, that the inclusive government did not mean an end to Zimbabwe's political and economic crises.

“In accordance with the party's constitution, the political agreement we signed on September 15, 2008, and in the best interests of the welfare of all Zimbabweans, the MDC has resolved to form an inclusive government with ZANU-PF and MDC (Mutambara). Let us make no mistake, by joining an inclusive government, we are not saying that this is a solution to the Zimbabwe crisis, instead our participation signifies that we have chosen to continue the struggle for a democratic Zimbabwe in a new arena,” he told a press conference.

“This agreement is a significant milestone on our journey to democracy but it does not signify that we have arrived at our destination - we are committed to establishing a democratic Zimbabwe regardless of how long that struggle takes us. We have the majority in parliament, we control all the main urban councils and many rural councils, we will have control of 13 ministries and a presence in the key decision-making bodies of the executive.”

He said the party had resolved that through joining an inclusive government in line with the political agreement and the SADC resolutions, it would be able to influence the crafting and adoption of a new constitution, to begin a process of national healing and integration, to stabilise and rebuild the economy and to allow for democratic space in the country.

“This inclusive government will serve as a transitional authority leading to free and fair elections,” he said.

Tsvangirai said the success of the inclusive government was dependent on many factors, including the goodwill of the parties involved, the support of the people of Zimbabwe and the continued engagement and vigilance of SADC, AU and the broader international community in ensuring that all parties were bound by the letter and spirit of the agreement.

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