
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bryce pledges to help Zambia attain MDGs

Bryce pledges to help Zambia attain MDGs
Written by Chibaula Silwamba
Sunday, March 22, 2009 4:10:04 AM

VISITING Australian Governor-General Quentin Bryce has pledged to help Zambia attain the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). And President Rupiah Banda told Governor General Bryce that despite the many socio-economic challenges that Zambians faces, they were resilient and determined to forge ahead towards sustainable development.

Speaking at State House on Friday just before her delegation and the Zambian government team - headed by President Banda - started official bilateral talks, Governor General Bryce said her country would help Zambia to improve the wellbeing of people.

"We look forward to doing what we can to offer technical assistance to support Zambia in advancing and achieve the Millennium Development Goals," she said.

According to the Australian system, the Governor General is equivalent to the President in the Zambian system.

Governor General Bryce said she hoped that the Australian investment in Zambia, particularly in the mining sector would increase to the benefit of both the Zambian and Australian economies.

She said there were enormous opportunities of scholarships and exchange programmes for Zambian students to spend time in Australia.

"We hope that they come back to their country [Zambia] to make significant contributions to the socio-economic, cultural and political life here," she said.

Governor General Bryce also expressed the concern that Australia had on the wellbeing of the people of Zimbabwe.

"I recognize the important role that you have played in promoting regional peace and security in Zimbabwe," she said. "We look forward to working with African countries in multilateral institutions to solve global problems."

Governor General Bryce also invited President Banda to visit Australia at his convenient date.

Earlier, President Banda expressed happiness with Australian investors in Zambia.

"You will be happy to know that Australian investments in Zambia have in recent years made a positive impact on our national development programme particularly in the mining, health and education sectors," President Banda said. "In the mining sector, Lumwana Equinox Mines and First Quantum Minerals have made substantial investments in equipment, infrastructure development and new explorations, adding to the quality and quantity of our copper exports."

He also said the Australian Institute for Business and Technology (AIBT) had enabled many Zambians access quality Australian education in Zambia.

President Banda said Governor General Bryce's visit to Zambia was historical because it was the first visit at the highest level by an Australian leader with a specific mission to rekindle the bonds of friendship and cooperation between the two countries.

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