
Sunday, March 22, 2009

HH asks W/Province to kick out Rupiah in 2011

HH asks W/Province to kick out Rupiah in 2011
Written by Mwala Kalaluka
Sunday, March 22, 2009 4:11:22 AM

UPND president Hakainde Hichilema has urged the people of Western Province to unite and kick out the MMD from power because it has failed them. And Litunga-la-Mboela [Litunga of the South] Mukwae Makwibi of Senanga has commended Hichilema over his decision to visit traditional leaders in the province in the absence of an election campaign.

Commenting on his just-ended visit to the Western Province, Hichilema said he met the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) Kuta at Limulunga in Mongu, stakeholders and other traditional leaders in his quest to discuss development and call for a unity of purpose in the province.

However, Hichilema could not disclose what type of discussions he had with the BRE but he only confirmed that he was well received by the traditional leadership.

"We went to thank the people of Barotseland for voting for us in the 2008 presidential elections," Hichilema said. "We also went to discuss development."

Hichilema said the people of Western Province were in an extremely desperate situation, following floods and hunger problems, which had affected several places in the area.

"It is desperate. There are such high levels of water and I do not know how the people will survive," he said. "Shangombo has been cut-off and they have run out of food. This is where we need a government which is proactive. The government, literally, is not there, so the people are desperate. Things are extremely difficult."

Hichilema bragged that while President Rupiah Banda had not yet been to the flooded areas, he had been there to see for himself.

Asked to confirm reports that he had gone to the province in a bid to apologise over what transpired between delegates from Western and Southern provinces, during the UPND convention held to find a successor for late Anderson Mazoka at Lusaka's Mulungushi International Conference Centre in 2006, Hichilema said his call was for unity.

A majority of UPND members in the Western Province formed the United Liberal Party (ULP) under the leadership of Sakwiba Sikota following the differences emanating from the convention.

"The only way we can focus on development is to unite," he said. "This is not time to form new political parties, this is the time to consolidate. Our people need to be united so that we can focus on the development challenges. We had a very good conversation with the people."

When reminded that the Western Province had earned a reputation of being a stronghold for the MMD, Hichilema wondered where that strength lay.

"MMD stronghold in what respect?" he asked. "People are suffering. People have made a decision that let us kick the MMD out, the MMD has failed us. The MMD has failed the people of Western Province...have you seen the poverty in the Western Province? The MMD has failed."

And sources said Makwibi said while other politicians usually visited her during the time of election campaigns, Hichilema had visited her in the absence of such an undertaking.

The sources said Makwibi, who came on the throne about four years before Zambia's independence, made the remark when Hichilema paid a courtesy call on her at her Muoyo Palace in Senanga earlier in the week.

The sources said Hichilema also held private talks with Indunas at the Litunga's Palace in Mongu before meeting senior chief Amukena at his Naliele Palace in Kaoma a day later.

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