Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Chief Mpezeni indulges at post-Nc’wala ceremony

Chief Mpezeni indulges at post-Nc’wala ceremony
Written by Chibaula Silwamba in Chipata
Tuesday, March 03, 2009 12:26:05 PM

PARAMOUNT chief of the Ngoni people of Eastern Province Mpezeni on Saturday night 'enjoyed' several beers after which he started dancing with young girls and women during the Angela Nyirenda and Sakala Brothers' music concert.

Mpezeni arrived at the concert at about midnight in the company of his junior chiefs who included Nzamane, Sairi, Madzimawe and Maguya.

The concert was a wrap up of the Nc'wala traditional ceremony of the Ngoni people, which was held earlier in the day at Mtenguleni where Republican President Rupiah Banda and South Africa's governing African National Congress (ANC) president Jacob Zuma were guests of honour.

When Mpezeni was arriving at Wildlife Hall for the concert, Moses Sakala of the Sakala Brothers gave a few praise words for the Ngoni ruler.

"We are happy to have Inkhosi ya Ma Nkhosi in our midst," said Moses as the crowd applauded in jubilation.

As a sign of respect and welcome to Mpezeni, Angela sung a song of praise for the paramount chief.

"A Mpezeni mukalele mukale wangu mwana! A Mpezeni mukalele mukale wangu mwana!" She sung as Mpezeni and his junior chiefs walked across the dancing ground to the sofa that had been prepared for him and his delegation.

The revellers, mostly youths, jumped around dancing for Mpezeni.

Mpezeni walked majestically to his seat while waving his hands in the air.

The audience rapturously shouted: "Nkhosi! Nkhosi! Ya wele Nkhosi! Iyi ni Nkhosi! Bayethye Nkhosi! Inkhosi ya Ma Nkhosi! The owner of the land! Welcome Nkhosi!"

At this point, almost everyone stood up either trying to catch a glimpse of Mpezeni or to dance to Angela's song.

Mpezeni and his chiefs walked to the sofa that had been prepared for them, directly facing the dancing stage that was mounted for the performing artistes.

After Mpezeni and his chiefs sat down, a table was placed before him and on it were a bottle of beer and glasses.

As soon as Mpezeni sat down, several people mostly women went to shake hands with him. Among those seen kneeling to greet Mpezeni were MMD Chisamba member of parliament Moses Muteteka.

Mpezeni shook hands with several people who went to pay homage to him but later he just started nodding his head, acknowledging the praises of people that were shouting in jubilation.

Several minutes later Mpezeni rose from his seat and started dancing and several women thronged him to dance with him.

Mpezeni danced rigorously and was seen holding various women.

While holding one woman, Mpezeni almost fell down.

After observing that Mpezeni had become 'uncontrollable' in his dancing with the women and holding one of them, almost falling, some people led him to his seat.

Earlier, a reveller who stood behind the chief's sofa accidentally spilled beer on Mpezeni.

The reveller was opening the bottle of beer but it splashed on Mpezeni who was smartly dressed in a suit and necktie.

Security personnel quickly picked up the gentleman and roughed him up.

A policeman pulled the gentleman away and dragged him out of the venue of the concert.

The policeman was heard warning the gentleman to leave the venue and that he should not return.

"We will not tolerate that behaviour," a policeman shouted at the man as he pushed him out of the gate.

As Mpezeni sat on his seat, several young girls most in wore miniskirts and hipsters danced close to where he sat.

Mpezeni was seen constantly pointing at the girls who were dancing in front of him.

He later went back to the dancing ground to dance with the girls.

The girls wriggled their waists for Mpezeni.

Mpezeni reciprocated in his dance and put his head on the chest of one of the girls he was dancing with as Chief Madzimawe looked on.

As the paramount chief danced with the young girls, people cheered for him while others laughed.

"Nkhosi! Nkhosi ya Ma Nkhosi!" the audience shouted.

Staggering, Mpezeni was even yawning and was seen dozing when he sat down.

At different times Mpezeni danced with Muteteka and MMD Mkushi South member of parliament Sydney Chisanga.

Mpezeni was left still enjoying himself at the concert after 01:30 hours.

Police officers kept vigil to ensure that Mpezeni was safe. Earlier in the day during the ceremony, Mpezeni was clad in his traditional lion-skin attire but changed to a modern Western suit for the evening Nc'wala aftermath music concert that attracted hundreds of people from all walks of life including foreign tourists.

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