
Thursday, April 30, 2009

(HERALD) Fix potholes and save lives

Fix potholes and save lives

EDITOR — I write to highlight an issue that needs urgent attention from all Zimbabweans. That issue is about the abundance of potholes on the country’s roads.

What worries me most is that Zimbabwe has among the most luxurious and expensive cars in the region and yet they are moving on moribund roads.

We all know that these potholes are the major cause of accidents on our roads and have resulted in so many deaths without anything being done about it.

Are we trying to say that all the ministers, Members of Parliament, councillors and other officials do not know what to do about potholes?

If they do, why is no action being taken?

Most of the roads in the country need complete resurfacing, but we know that this is a costly exercise.

So why can’t they just give some attention to those road stretches that are now damaged?

Remember, we are just a few months away from the 2010 World Cup soccer finals in South Africa and we need to be ensuring that we can offer services that are up to scratch if we hope to benefit from this global showcase.

Do we honestly expect all the celebrities that will come to the region to enjoy driving on our roads when they are in the state that they are in?

I was reading an article in The Sunday Mail of April 8, 2009 and discovered that we have people in this country who can afford to buy top-of-the-range and very expensive Rolls Royce Phantom vehicles.

I wondered if the owner of this car did not wish that his car could fly because it will surely get damaged on the pot-holed roads.

Please, may the responsible authorities do something about the roads before more lives are lost and before we lose potential revenue from the 2010 Soccer World Cup?

Julius Nomore Demo.

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