
Thursday, April 30, 2009

(HERALD) McGee, Pocock do not deserve any respect

McGee, Pocock do not deserve any respect

EDITOR — Like I have always argued, The Herald has been, and will always be, my newspaper of choice as long as it remains objective as currently reflected through its nationalistic policies.

I refer to the article by Eddie Cross in Wednesday’s issue of your paper in which he raised issues which, if not handled properly, evoke emotions that are better left in the past.

Cross, the way I see it, is very misinformed because he has not read Zimbabwe’s national newspaper in 10 years and I doubt if then he ever listened to or watched national radio and television stations other than the dubiously broadcasting ghost stations that illegally beam into the country.

He portrays ambassadors James McGee (United States) and Andrew Pocock (Britain) as figures who determine the destiny of Zimbabweans, something which is very false.

These two ambassadors’ governments played a very serious role in accepting the request by Cross and friends to have illegal sanctions imposed on this nation with the idea of Cross himself letting Zimbabwe "crash and burn" so that he would come in like the saviour.

The reason why Cross and friends crafted the sanctions on behalf of these two’s governments was because Zimbabwe had dared repossess land illegally acquired and held by Cross and his white friends, this time not with the black ones who helped him knit the sanctions proposals.

These sanctions destroyed Zimbabwe’s economy to an extent that had never been witnessed in our history.

We all remember McGee’s predecessor, Christopher Dell, swearing that our Government would collapse in six months because he knew the effect that the evil sanctions were having on the country’s economy.

Cross demands that we must respect the two ambassadors because they are our guests, but since when did guests start behaving as if they were the hosts? With such kind of behaviour, will guests get the respect they deserve?

I doubt that very much.

Cross tries to drag President Barack Obama into this whole saga, but does the good president hold the same view on Zimbabwe as that held by George W. Bush whom we all know had assigned McGee here for the specific purpose of making sure President Mugabe was taken out of office at whatever cost?

Cross should bear in mind that with land evenly redistributed and with no sanctions in place, even our dogs and chickens would never sniff at the bait his friends are using for our people to view our Government negatively.

He sympathises with those ministers who are going around pleading with the West to remove sanctions, but if McGee and Pocock are as holy as Cross alludes to, would these ministers really have to be begging the way that they are doing?

I don’t think so, especially considering what role was played by who in crafting these sanctions and statements like "chitongai tione".

Cross is just trying to create a storm in a teacup, but I would suggest that the best way for us to benefit from McGee and Pocock’s governments is for them to remove sanctions without us pleading so that we farm our own food on our own land just like the British grow their own food on their own soils in Europe and see if we will ever queue for food handouts again.

Cde Jairos Tapfuma.


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