Thursday, April 30, 2009

(LUSAKATIMES) New Zambia Public Procurement Authority to promote transparency

New Zambia Public Procurement Authority to promote transparency
Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 21:48

Government says Zambia Public Procurement Authority (ZPPA) which has replaced the Zambia National Tender Board will be transformed into a fully fledged regulatory body in two years.

Financial Management and Administration Acting Permanent Secretary, in the Ministry of Finance, Daniel Bowasi said currently the Ministry of Justice was drafting the procurement regulations to be followed by the Authority.

Mr. Bowasi pointed out a framework to guide the procurement processes was receiving appropriate attention following wide consultation with other partners.

He was speaking in Lusaka today at the public procurement meeting held under the Public Expenditure Management and Financial Accountability (PEMFA) programme.

Mr. Bowasi further said that the Ministry of Finance and National Planning had signed a Memorandum of Understanding with PEMFA to commence the implementation of comprehensive public financial management reforms.

He said the transformation of the public procurement guidelines and procedures would promote transparency, accountability and efficiency in the public procurement system which would improve financial expenditure management.

Mr. Bowasi said the procurement reforms would also ensure prudent use of national resources thereby supporting poverty reduction and economic growth among other things.

He added that progress in the reform process had been recorded through the implementation of expenditure and budgeting policy based on the Fifth National Development Plan (FNDP).

Mr. Bowasi said a computerized control system has also been implemented resulting in reduced expenditure arrears.

Mr. Bowasi also disclosed that government has instituted legal reforms to support on-going public financial management reforms.


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