Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mubanga accuses PF of sponsoring priests to speak against Rupiah

Mubanga accuses PF of sponsoring priests to speak against Rupiah
Written by Katwishi Bwalya

MMD chairperson for agriculture Maybin Mubanga has accused the Patriotic Front (PF) of sponsoring Catholic priests to speak against President Rupiah Banda

In an interview, Mubanga said President Banda was more Christian than the priests who were calling him all sorts of names.

He said criticism on President Banda by some Catholic priests was not genuine.

“They [Catholic priests] are being sponsored by an opposition political party like the PF,” Mubanga said.

He said Catholic priests speaking against President Banda were only interested in tarnishing the image of the President and the ruling MMD.

“Like this man Fr Bwalya from Radio Icengelo, he is in a wrong position [because] his attitudes and behaviour does not depict one who is father,” Mubanga said. “I think he should find another job. He is more political than religious, so for him I think he should try to form a political party rather than use innocent Christians for his own hidden agenda.”

Mubanga said it was unfortunate that the priests had allowed themselves to be used by a political party.

He urged President Banda to ignore the criticism from some Catholic priests.

“This man [Fr Bwalya] is very malicious…his intention is to just tarnish the image of the President and the ruling party,” said Mubanga. “The President is a very experienced politician and one thing I like about him is that he is very calm, he is more Christian than Fr Bwalya because he is cool minded. If it was Fr Bwalya who was being insulted, he could have reacted in a very difficult way.”

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