Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Suspected MMD cadres disrupt PF meeting

Suspected MMD cadres disrupt PF meeting
Written by Zumani Katasefa in Kitwe
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 4:18:04 PM

SUSPECTED MMD cadres on Saturday allegedly disrupted a meeting that was scheduled to be addressed by PF Kitwe's Kwacha East member of parliament Lombe Mulenga.

In an interview, Mulenga said a group of MMD cadres led by Kitwe district youth secretary Chiko Chibale allegedly disrupted his meeting by throwing away the chairs that were set at the venue just near his [Mulenga's] nightclub, Mulojas.

Mulenga explained that the meeting was intended to brief residents on the efforts he was making in addressing some of the problems in the community.

He said at the meeting, he wanted to present to the residents a tractor recently bought using Constituency Development Funds (CDF) for refuse collection in the constituency.

"The MMD sent hooligans to come and disrupt my meeting at which I wanted to present the tractor to the community for refuse collection. The tractor was bought using CDF. Our party members are very disciplined, it is incorrect to say that it was PF members who disrupted the meeting," he said.

Mulenga said the MMD cadres also hurled abusive language at him as they also threatened to burn him and damage the tractor.

"As Zambians we must rise above politics of hatred, whether MMD, PF or UPND, we must rise up and work towards developing our country," Mulenga said.

Mulenga accused the MMD of trying to frustrate his efforts to bring development in the constituency.

Some PF councillors who were in the company of Mulenga at the time of the interview also expressed displeasure at the behaviour of the suspected MMD cadres.

The councillors who accompanied Mulenga include Vincent Mwansa [Bulangilo Kwacha East Ward], Chrispin Chola [Kwacha Ward], John Mwape [Ipusukilo Ward] and Steven Chipungu [Lubwe Ward].

When contacted for comment, Chibale disputed allegations by Mulenga that MMD cadres disrupted his meeting.

He said it was actually the concerned people of Kwacha Constituency who were not happy with the Mulenga because he had lost touch with them ever since he was voted as member of parliament.

"There was no issue of MMD or PF. Actually the people of Kwacha Constituency are not happy with the MP because he had not come back to them to say thank you after he was voted into office. He [Mulenga] has no connection with the people," he said.

Chibale said only a few of his relatives went to attend Mulenga's aborted meeting.

"He organised his wife and children to attend the meeting, at which he wanted to present a tractor which was earlier represented at the civic centre to the community. This man is trying to fool us," Chibale said.

Another resident Evans Mubita who claimed to be a staunch PF supporter said people in the constituency were not happy with Mulenga because of his inefficiencies.

"This man [Mulenga] has been rejected; disruption of the meeting had nothing to do with MMD. It is the people of this constituency who do not want him because of his inefficiencies," said Mubita.

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