
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cops nab officers over theft of 150 mealie-meal bags

Cops nab officers over theft of 150 mealie-meal bags
Written by Mwala Kalaluka and Masuzyo Chakwe
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 11:28:54 PM

SOME police officers working at the Stores Section in Lusaka’s Sikanze Camp have been nabbed after they allegedly stole 150 bags of mealie-meal under their custody.
And police officers from Lusaka’s Woodlands Police Station are probing a case where a 47-year-old female Zambia Air Force (ZAF) officer was shot at by her 60-year-old man friend.

Police sources disclosed yesterday that the police officers stole part of the bags of mealie-meal that were meant to be distributed to other police officers, as per their conditions of service.

The sources said the theft was discovered when the truck carrying the bags of mealie-meal was being driven away from Sikanze Camp.

Lusaka Province Police commanding officer Greenwell Ng’uni referred all queries on the matter to Inspector General of Police Francis Kabonde.

“That is an issue for the IG,” responded Ng’uni. “You can call the IG or the public relations officer.”

Kabonde could however not be reached through his mobile phone by press time.

And other police sources said Brian Pangani of house number 288 along Lusaka’s Burma road was arrested after he allegedly shot his girlfriend, Lt Col Clera Tembo, on the forehead.

They said the incident occurred on May 17, 2009 at around 01:15 hours in Kabulonga Extension along Kudu Road.

The sources said Pangani used a pistol to shoot at Lt Col Tembo following a quarrel.

Lt Col Tembo, according to the sources, sustained a deep cut on the left side of the eye and was taken to the University Teaching Hospital for medication.

Police spokesperson Bonny Kapeso confirmed that police in Woodlands had received a report of threatening violence from the said Lt Col Tembo.

Kapeso said a docket had been opened against Pangani.

UTH public relations manager Pauline Mbangweta said the hospital received a case of a gunshot wound on the said date but that Lt Col Tembo was never admitted.

Mbangweta said Lt Col Tembo was only attended to and later sent home.

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