
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ex-UNIP MP advises govt to intervene in tobacco industry

Ex-UNIP MP advises govt to intervene in tobacco industry
Written by Christopher Miti in Chipata
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 11:31:14 PM

FORMER Chipangali UNIP member of parliament Lucas Phiri has appealed to the government to intervene in the problems affecting the tobacco industry in Eastern Province because the institutions entrusted to run the industry have failed.

In an interview, Phiri said the failure of Tobacco Board of Zambia (TBZ) and Eastern Fodya Association of Zambia (EFAZ) to run the tobacco industry was evidenced by their failure to open the sheds in areas such as Mgubudu and Chipangali.

"We have reported a lot of complaints to both TBZ and EFAZ about the problems that people are facing. The people are spending sleepless nights in the cold in most of these sheds. We had asked these institutions to look for alternative places where they can be buying tobacco from to avoid congestion because most of the time those that have money are the ones that are selling tobacco while mere farmers are not selling their tobacco although it is taken to the sheds. And this has made us conclude that EFAZ does not represent the interests of farmers because they are on business. Even TBZ has failed. We are asking the provincial minister, if he stands for development and has the people at heart, to go to the sheds and see how the farmers are suffering because they are sleeping in the cold," he said.

Phiri said the farmers were not blaming TBZ and EFAZ for the tobacco problems but that they were talking ill of the government.

"It’s sad that farmers face a lot of difficulties. They face difficulties when growing tobacco and face difficulties again when selling tobacco. This is where it pains the farmer because he is treated like a slave. These organisations that represent farmers have failed so the government has to come in and summon the organisations that are buying the commodity so that they see how they can work out things on how best the tobacco matters can be solved," he said.

Phiri said the buying companies should also improve on the payment of the farmers.

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