Sunday, May 10, 2009

Fr Bwalya stages ‘solo’ protest at Chingola Road Cemetery

Fr Bwalya stages ‘solo’ protest at Chingola Road Cemetery
Written by Zumani Katasefa in Kitwe
Sunday, May 10, 2009 5:19:48 PM

A multitude of Kitwe residents yesterday morning followed former Radio Icengelo station manager Fr Frank Bwalya on his ‘solo’ protest at Chingola Road Cemetery.

Fr Bwalya staged what was supposedly a solo protest to show displeasure against government’s intention to procure mobile clinics at a cost of US $53 million and the firing of Zambia Public Procurement Agency (ZPPA) director, David Kapitolo.

Addressing the residents at the cemetery, Fr Bwalya said people should voice out the ills of President Rupiah Banda’s government instead of just keeping silent.

He said he would be punished by God if he failed to speak for the poor and the oppressed.

Fr Bwalya said no one was supporting his activities, adding that he was depending on God for whatever he was doing.

“Zambians are too silent, just like the dead,” he said.

Fr Bwalya also questioned President Banda’s interests in the planned procurement of mobile clinics and wondered why the President should behave like a chief buyer for the country.

“RB’s interest in the mobile clinics is suspicious. Why is RB interested in buying the mobile clinics?” Fr Bwalya asked.

He said mobile clinics were for nomads, adding that they should not be allowed in Zambia.

“Mobile clinics are a campaign gimmick, villagers will accept them, they will be cheated, they will be told that even their colleagues at the next village they have them,” he said.

He also said no one would force him to step down as a priest, adding that he would do so on his own if he wanted.

Fr Bwalya also condemned President Banda’s decision to terminate Kapitolo’s contract as director general of the ZPPA.

“David Kapitolo is a victim of telling the truth. I have loved Kapitolo because we have similarities. They chased me from Radio Icengelo as station manager for telling the truth,” he said. “Dora (former communication minister) lied, and Banda protected her, Kapitolo told the truth and he was fired. Zambia is next to getting rotten.”

He said there was need for a new liberation struggle if the country was to change for the better.

“We need to struggle for us to be liberated, we need to use new tactics. Not bloodshed, Jesus Christ had already shed enough blood for us on the cross,” he said.

Fr Bwalya said those who were after him would never manage to stop him.



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