
Thursday, May 28, 2009

KK hails Cuba’s role in liberating Africa

KK hails Cuba’s role in liberating Africa
Written by Katwishi Bwalya
Thursday, May 28, 2009 4:33:22 PM

DR Kenneth Kaunda has hailed Cuba for its contribution in the liberation of most African countries. Speaking when visiting Cuban Communist Party Central Committee head of African section Dr Rodolfo Puente paid a courtesy call on him on Tuesday, Dr Kaunda said the history of African could never be complete without the mention of Cubans.

He said Cuba under the leadership of its former president Fidel Castro played a role in the freedom of most African states.

"We can never forget Cuban contribution to the struggle of independence. Cuba is always in the history of Africa," Dr Kaunda said. "I am happy you shared the African Freedom Day with us. Go and tell Comrade Fidel Castro that us all we are together. The name Fidel is a world known name. His contribution to African freedom is real, you helped us in so many ways. We are very proud of that and when we see you here, we see you as one of us. We receive you as one of us so feel at home. And you are at home."

And Dr Puente invited Dr Kaunda to visit Cuba.

He said he was very happy to meet Dr Kaunda whom he last met in 1994.

"In Cuba people would want to see you so it would be very good if you visited Cuba," Dr Puente said.

He paid tribute to Dr Kaunda's role in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

"We know about your institution of fighting HIV/AIDS and we have a lot of experience in that issue and we congratulate you for your work and we agree with your beliefs," he said. "He [Kaunda] is from the big generation of the big men, so I am very glad to see you. I have your history in my heart and in my thought."

Dr Puente said his mission was to secure the support for the release of the Cuban Five who were imprisoned by the United States.

"We are asking and appealing for the freedom of the five Cubans. They are innocent and the Cuban people are waiting for their return, so we would like to give joy to the Cuban people. So we are asking all friends, all political parties, organisations to fight for their independence. So American lawyers are trying in the judicial way to get their freedom and the same time we are working with the movement, solidarity, around the world asking for the freedom of the Cuban Five," said Dr Puente. "The most important thing is that they come home so that they can see their families and that will be the joy of all the Cubans because they have defended the revolution of Cuba. I am sure you Dr Kaunda, you will also ask for their freedom."

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