
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Planting the seed of violence

Planting the seed of violence
Written by Editor

Yesterday, we received a letter from Rupiah Banda through his press aide Dickson Jere. He was responding to our letter of May 6, 2006 in which we petitioned him to quickly intervene and stop the MMD cadres from their physical and verbal violence against our journalists. In his letter, Rupiah states he does not condone violence.

He stated: "...His Excellency the President's position on condemning violence has not changed. Be assured that there are no orders to intimidate The Post or any other media institution. It is unfortunate that our cadres or suspected members have threatened violence. His Excellency the President will do everything possible to stop violence. Be assured that the attacks have no blessings from the party."

This is Rupiah's response to our letter through Dickson. We are not sure if Rupiah dictated this letter to Dickson or Dickson just used his initiative to deal with the situation. We say this because the letter is full of contradictions and blatant lies.

A few days ago, chief government spokesperson Reverend Ronnie Shikapwasha endorsed and justified the violence from the MMD against Post journalists. He said the beatings will continue unless we apologised to Rupiah for the insults that we have been throwing at him. He said we should not complain against violent attacks from the MMD cadres because we were just harvesting what we sowed.

If Rupiah does not condone violence, why has he kept quiet on Reverend Shikapwasha's justification of the violence against us? Does he seriously expect us to believe when he says there are no orders for the MMD cadres to intimidate Post journalists when his chief government spokesperson is asking us to apologise or face the wrath of their cadres?

Again, does Rupiah think anyone will believe him when he says he will do everything possible to stop this violence? Is it true that the attacks have no blessings from the party when the MMD Lusaka Province youth chairman Chris Chalwe was threatening violence in the face of Reverend Shikapwasha? On Monday, a day before Rupiah's reply to our letter, our journalists were threatened at State House during the Africa Freedom Day celebrations.

Anyway, we are not surprised. This is how deceitful Rupiah is. He says things that he really does not mean. Clearly, Rupiah is not interested in addressing this issue of violence by MMD cadres. He seems to be enjoying reports of MMD thugs harassing innocent journalists and citizens. In a bid to shield the cadres, Rupiah is saying, "it is unfortunate that our cadres or suspected members have threatened violence".

There are no suspected members. Not to leave any matter for conjecture, we have provided Rupiah with pictures showing known MMD members and officials in action against our journalists. In one of the pictures, Dickson prominently appears in the background. So why should Rupiah be talking about suspected MMD members when he has been given evidence that his members are committing crimes in his name? Some of these acts of violence have been committed in full view of the police who just watched without help. It appears the police have surrendered their powers to MMD thugs because their commander-in-chief is on the side of the law-breakers.

So Rupiah should not cheat anyone that he abhors violence. If he does, he should not be claiming it. He should be seen to detest this thugery from the MMD.

Maybe we are expecting too much from Rupiah. How can he take decisive steps against this violence when he recently told cadres at State House that enough was enough from The Post and he had resolved to hit back? He even told the cadres to be on standby for further instructions. Is this the man who the public can expect to put an end to this criminal behaviour by the MMD cadres?

It is said that one does not achieve greatness by claiming greatness. A man is judged by his actions, not his boasting.

Like we have said before, perpetrating violence against innocent journalists and other citizens is not a solution. Violence begets violence. The seeds of violence that Rupiah and his Reverend Shikapwasha are busy planting today will tomorrow germinate into violence that will devour them. Nelson Mandela once said that "government violence can only do one thing, and that is to breed counter-violence."

Rupiah is not the first leader to have resorted to violence in order to deal with his enemies, real or imaginary. Maybe he is so stubborn that he wants to learn from his own mistakes.

As human beings, we are expected to co-exist in the diversity of views and opinions. When arguments or differences occur, reason needs to be the foundation of an argument. Only those who cannot reason should resort to violence.

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