Tuesday, May 12, 2009

MMD cadres beat up Post vendor in Solwezi

MMD cadres beat up Post vendor in Solwezi
Written by Mulimbi Mulaliki in Solwezi
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 4:02:27 PM

MMD cadres in Solwezi yesterday beat up Post vendor Deavan Mwanamwale and tore copies of the newspaper for what they termed an insulting headline on President Rupiah Banda.

And police officers blocked the cadres from staging a demonstration against Luanshya Patriotic Front (PF) member of parliament Chishimba Kambwili's alleged tribal remarks.

Mwanamwale was called by someone who wanted to buy a copy of The Post at the council guesthouse where the cadres had gathered.

However, when he got there, the cadres pounced on him and started beating him on grounds that The Post had gone too far in insulting the President on a daily basis and that it should not be sold in Solwezi.

"You see the headline, it is all about insulting the President. This is what we don't want. We are going to make sure that you stop selling this newspaper here," one of the cadres said.

The cadres kicked Mwanamwale to the ground while others grabbed copies of the newspaper, which they tore to pieces.

However, he was saved by quick action from police officers who were at the scene.

Mwanamwale was rushed to a police vehicle with a few copies of the newspaper but cadres closed the gate of the council guesthouse for about 30 minutes, demanding that police officers surrender him to them so that they could discipline him.

Mwanamwale, who hails from chief Mumena's area, complained that he did not know why the cadres vented their anger on him because he never provoked them but was merely selling the newspaper.

Mwanamwale said had it not been for the police officers' protection, he could have been killed.

And police later blocked the cadres from demonstrating over Kambwili's remarks on grounds that the procession was illegal.

MMD Solwezi Constituency chairman Tiki Mulofwa then told the cadres who had gathered, including a few UNIP and UPND officials, that tribalism should be condemned.

Mulofwa demanded that Kambwili apologise for his tribal remarks.

"Tribalism is condemned in any way that it is applied, simply because it is the most uncivilised practice. Unfortunately, here in the great nation of Zambia, some individuals and groups still find joy and prominently thrive on it," he said.

Mulofwa warned that if Kambwili does not apologise, the people of North Western Province would start beating up Bembas.

"This shameless trend of provoking the people of North Western Province can clearly be traced to individuals from Bemba-speaking tribes whom we share the same ancestral background," said Mulofwa. "At this critical time in the history of our nation, when all men, women and the youth of goodwill have come together to embrace initiatives which promote high standards of living and eradication of poverty and all forms of living conditions from the society."

Kambwili recently said labour deputy minister Simon Kachimba was the only dull Luvale he had ever come across.

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