Tuesday, May 05, 2009

(NYASATIMES) Malawi elections to go ahead on May 19

Malawi elections to go ahead on May 19
Felie Mzumara
05 May, 2009 10:22:00

Electoral Commission chairwoman Justice Anastansia Msosa: Polls will go ahead on 19 May Chapter closed. It has now been confirmed that Malawi’s fourth democratic elections will be held on May 19, 2009, dispelling fears making rounds the corners that the day will be pushed forward.

The development also puts to rest President Bingu wa Mutharika’s scheme to force the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) to reschedule the polling day so that he re-strategizes his rigging plans.

Last Saturday evening Mutharika reportedly met MEC Commissioners secretly at Sanjika Palace and discussed the possibility of postponing the polls to a later date. This was the second time Mutharika reportedly met MEC commissioners to consult and be briefed on the polls preparations.

But MEC Chairperson Justice Anastazia Msosa said on Tuesday after meeting representatives of all political parties that the polling day remains May 19, 2009.

This was after opposition political parties took to task the electoral body not to postpone the date as that would breach the land’s laws.

“Almost all the errors have been rectified, the voters roll has been amended after missing names and other inaccurate data were discovered so the polls will go ahead on May 19. There are some few errors but those will not hinder anybody from voting,” she said.

She said as of Tuesday, everything had been sorted out in all the 3157 polling stations and almost everybody who registered will vote.

There have been rising reports that Mutharika plans to rig the elections in fear of the grand MCP/UDF coalition led by John Tembo.

Nyasa Times sources say part of the rigging exercise started by messing-up the voter’s roll a tactic which Malawi government is said to have been advised by specially assigned “consultant” Vernon Mwaanga, a Zambia government chief whip in parliament.

Mwaanga has been lodging at the Capital Hotel in Lilongwe using a Mercedenz Benz which previously belonged to Charles Matabwa.

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