
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Shikapwasha justifies violence against The Post

Shikapwasha justifies violence against The Post
Written by Margaret Habbuno
Sunday, May 17, 2009 4:11:57 PM

THE Post is reaping what it has sown and that is why MMD cadres are beating journalists in the country, chief government spokesperson Lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha has charged.

Commenting on the recent harassment and beating of Post journalists and calls by various stakeholders to put a stop to the ill trend, Lt Gen Shikapwasha said The Post newspaper had planted a seed of harassment because of the bad stories they published about President Rupiah Banda.

"The Post newspaper is reaping what it sowed because you cannot have a newspaper that reports negatively about the Republican President most of the time. If you plant mangoes, you will harvest mangoes. That is how the principle goes," said Lt Gen Shikapwasha, who is also information and broadcasting minister.

He said The Post planted the seeds of harassment in the insults and stories they published about President Banda during last year's presidential elections.

"The Post planted this seed of harassment last year during the presidential elections and I spoke to Amos Malupenga. I told him that these publications that you are carrying in your paper will bring war in this country. For instance, how do you publish a story that Rupiah Banda has no brains?" Lt Gen Shikapwasha asked.

He said even in the Bible, there was a scripture that said one should not be deceived because they would harvest what they planted.

"As a child of God, I do understand the Bible because it is clear you will harvest what you have planted," he said.

Lt Gen Shikapwasha said it would be prudent for The Post to write an apology to President Banda if harassment of the newspaper's journalists were to end in the country.

"We have to work together with The Post newspaper so that these problems of harassments are done away with," Lt Gen Shikapwasha said. "In my view, it is necessary for The Post newspaper to write an apology to the head of state because the government and The Post newspaper have to work together."

He said the MMD cadres harassed Post journalists because they were not happy with the coverage of the President.

"The Post has been harassing the President. That seed of harassment has been harvested in form of journalists being beaten by the cadres," Lt Gen Shikapwasha said. "The cadres are not happy with the attacks that you The Post keep on publishing towards the head of state."

He said if a person planted anarchy, he would in return harvest anarchy.

"If you plant anarchy, you will harvest anarchy. It happened in Rwanda where anarchy was harvested after planting it," said Lt Gen Shikapwasha. "This is not to say I am happy with the current situation in the country of cadres harassing the journalists."

MMD cadres have in the last few months harassed, beaten and chased Post journalists from covering President Banda and other assignments relating to the ruling party. The cadres said they would continue to harass Post journalists if the newspaper continued being critical of the President.

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