Monday, May 18, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Swine flu exposes hypocrisy of the west

Swine flu exposes hypocrisy of the west
Henry Harry Makowa - Opinion
Mon, 18 May 2009 14:29:00 +0000

WITH the current swine flu hitting Mexico and now ravaging almost all parts of the world one cannot help but wonder what international out-cry would have been constructed had the deadly flu been a Zimbabwe construct.

It is more important to understand this fact in light of and insofar as Zimbabweans are still very much aware of the condemnation and criminal discrimination against its citizens over the exaggerated cholera issue that rocked the country toward the end of December 2008.

What is interesting about the swine flu in Mexico is that it has produced two outcomes totally opposite to how Zimbabwe was treated over the issue.

The first outcome is that no single opposition party or lobby group in Mexico has sought to turn the deadly flu into a political manifesto to score sinister political points against the government at the expense of the lives of the dead, dying and ailing citizens affected by the flu as happened in Zimbabwe with cholera.

We have also not seen any organization in Mexico claiming to represent the people but on the other hand doctoring and criminally falsifying figures of the dead through massive multiplication of figures of affected Zimbabweans and presenting them to International Security Bodies such as the United Nations Security Council for the sole purpose of tarnishing the government's image and having International Troops (I.T.s) deployed to Mexico over a mere health and medical issue as proposed for Zimbabwe during cholera; this point being part of the second outcome.

As for Zimbabwe they would not have been I.T.s deployed, but International Soldiers of Fortune (I.S.F.) whose purpose and intentions would have been to overthrow the government.

The second outcome is that we have not seen the Flu in Mexico being given an international and domestic political and legal security status and not a medical and health status as Zimbabwe was subjected to and as already been briefly explained above.

The above two outcomes clearly show us how the regime change agenda in Zimbabwe is real and not as fake as Obama's change slogans.

In Zimbabwe it has been interesting to note that with the cholera pandemic hitting the country all of a sudden, political scientists and professors of politics became the analysts and observers of the medical issue whilst the analysis of trained medical doctors was deemed unhelpful requiring those with political training -- something which is alerting and premised on sinister and absurd reasoning.

This is what clearly exposed the regime change agenda to me as the purported international concerns over the cholera pandemic in Zimbabwe. This became clearly political through such actions as hiring of political scholars to replace medical scholars in a field they no nothing in-depth about.

Since when has a political scientist been known to comment on medical pandemics?

In the case of Zimbabwe was it because the Euro-American paid analysts and political scientists (nothing scientific in their findings) would be useful in positioning a medical pandemic into a political problem thus fuelling citizen dislike of their government? The latter is exactly what the West had hoped for and still hopes for in Zimbabwe.

It was as if cholera was a thematic concept and chapter of political science.

What has also been interesting about the comparison of the flu from Mexico and the cholera from Zimbabwe is how other nations have been forced to react on the Mexico flu compared to the Zimbabwe cholera. The correct position taken by the so-called international community has been for countries to be on high alert but not to discriminate against Mexicans something which is good and not a problem.

The problem arises when you look at the western position with regards to Zimbabwe. The West alarmed falsely and through the usage of 'clear racism' in their media that Zimbabweans were spreading cholera in neighboring countries and therefore should not be permitted en masse into neighboring countries. We were all made to believe that all Zimbabweans were affected with the pandemic.

In the event that the opposition and its civic partners and international organizations were correct that the majority of Zimbabweans were cholera patients, then how do they explain the fact that not even a single university in South Africa where all Zimbabweans of all walks of life exist and study did not record cholera outbreaks as Zimbabweans trooped from the December 2008 holidays to go back to their schooling in South Africa?

Of course the British cannot lie to the world that they did not receive any Zimbabweans into their land from the period of the cholera outbreak. Surprisingly no outbreak of the pandemic was discovered in Albion's snow littered land that had a tracing of Zimbabwe's Savannah soil.

It is important for us to make a comparison of Euro-American reaction to Mexico's swine flu with our cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe as it gives us more enlightenment on the evil nature of the unrepentant 'racist hand' of the West and its regime change agenda on Zimbabwe.

It is also interesting to note that the same western countries whose media took propaganda to ballistic extents went on to deliberately misquote the speech by the President of Zimbabwe, Cde Mugabe at the Zanu Pf conference by claiming falsely that the president had declared cholera as none existent in Zimbabwe when in actual fact it was the same government of President Mugabe that had within the same week declared cholera a national emergency -- even to the extent of mobilizing a committee to fight the pandemic.

It was also the same government headed by the same man that was calling for assistance from friendly nations and publicly receiving donations from friendly nations like Tanzania and South Africa and yet the western media was gloating that the President was disputing cholera.

All these things listed above are clearly in contrast to the way the West is responding to the swine flu in Mexico. Such hypocrisy gives us a new consciousness of how politics continues to seek a life in our country through regime change and the establishment of a stooge regime.

* Henry Harry Makowa, University of Fort Hare, South Africa

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