Sunday, May 31, 2009

Teta’s defence on hearses is senseless, says Hichilema

Teta’s defence on hearses is senseless, says Hichilema
Written by George Chellah
Sunday, May 31, 2009 4:25:21 PM

UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema has said local government minister Benny Tetamashimba's defence on the procurement of 100 hearses is senseless and completely off target.

And UPND spokesperson Charles Kakoma said President Rupiah Banda's government wants to upscale the looting of Zambia's resources through corruption.
In an interview, Hichilema said Tetamashimba's statement was full of contradictions.

"They spent K14 billion and we were told that the budget was K8 billion. They must be accountable. You follow through any item you will see imprudent expenditure and single sourcing from this government. What explanation is Tetamashimba giving? I actually prefer calling him Teta-lies because he lies most of the time. What explanation are they giving for spending above budget?" Hichilema asked.

"Of course, his defence is off target. It's a senseless and off target defence. That chap Tetamashimba has very limited business knowledge, so he is very dangerous to this nation. Anybody who follows can see that his brain is disjointed on these things. It's extravagance where you spend more money than what was budgeted for. Zambians must demand accountability from this government."

And Kakoma challenged Tetamashimba to explain why the government authorised the purchase of 100 hearses without following any tender procedures.

"And how they made the purchase whose expenditure was not in the national budget. He must explain why they purchased the hearses at three times the official price and who has pocketed the difference," Kakoma said.

"He should explain why the MMD government has turned into a government of undertakers which has corruptly bought hearses to hurriedly bury Zambians dying due to lack of medicines and poverty created by the MMD government.

"Tetamashimba should also explain the MMD's desire to corruptly import GMO maize, the immoral decision to plunge this country back into a debt crisis by corruptly importing Chinese mobile hospitals without tender procedures being followed and why his government corruptly awarded a contract to RP Capital without any tender."

He said President Banda's government was determined to rule through corruption.

"Rupiah Banda's government is entrenching corruption and this is becoming the biggest threat to Zambia's current and future development. The glaring failure to carry on with the late President Levy Mwanawasa’s fight against corruption is being exhibited by the government's attempts to start dreaming of scapegoats and blaming innocent Zambians like UPND party president Hichilema for an imaginary involvement in corruption," Kakoma said.

"The UPND is baffled that Tetamashimba and his MMD government can claim that Hakainde Hichilema was involved in corruption but fail to investigate the case or arrest him for more than nine years after the incident is alleged to have occurred. Our conclusion is that Tetamashimba is trying to find lame excuses for his government's failure to fight corruption and trying to silence critics like Hakainde Hichilema."

Kakoma said the MMD government wanted to divert people's attention.

"MMD should not behave like thieves who, when given a chase, also try to hoodwink the people giving the chase by pointing at other innocent people as the culprits in order to avoid arrest," said Kakoma.

"The MMD want to divert people's attention to fake allegations of corruption against opposition leaders so that they have enough time to plunder the country's resources. This won't be allowed. We shall pin them down."

The government recently procured 100 hearses from China at a cost of US$29,000 each. Tetamshimba initially said he was responsible for the procurement but later distanced himself and President Banda from the deal, saying the idea was mooted when Chongwe MMD member of parliament Sylvia Masebo served as local government minister.

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