Sunday, June 14, 2009

Chief Puta warns mining company against poor conditions of service for workers

Chief Puta warns mining company against poor conditions of service for workers
Written by Jane Mwakasungula
Sunday, June 14, 2009 4:05:42 PM

SENIOR chief Puta of the Bwile people in Chiengi district has warned the Central African Mining Company against executing poor conditions of service to its employees in view of the financial crisis.

In an interview, chief Puta said he would not allow greed and selfishness from the Chinese investors who were expected to make huge profits from his chiefdom and later subject his people to slave conditions.

“I will deal with them if they ill-treat my subjects. I won't tolerate underpayments because huge profits will be made at the end of the day,” said chief Puta. “Yes, copper prices have been fluctuating but there is still some profit at the end of the day.”

He said employees at the company and elsewhere needed better salaries because the cost of living was unreasonably high in the country. He commended the government for awarding the company with a large-scale mining licence. He implored the government to monitor and inspect the mine's deliberations to avoid conflicts with interested parties.

Chief Puta has since called on the government to emulate other countries who have implemented their stimulus plans in view of the economic meltdown.

And chief Puta has advised political leaders to work together in order to combat the economic crisis cautioning that that divisions would not curb the predicament.

He urged the opposition not to point fingers at the ruling MMD, but instead help it govern the country in the rightful manner.

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