
Thursday, June 25, 2009

MMD looks foolish to outside world, says Prof Chirwa

MMD looks foolish to outside world, says Prof Chirwa
Written by George Chellah
Thursday, June 25, 2009 3:36:46 PM

MMD presidential aspirant Professor Clive Chirwa has said the ruling party looks foolish to the outside world because of lies. And Prof. Chirwa insisted that the only body that can choose a candidate for the party was the convention.

In his complaint letter dated June 17, 2009 to MMD national secretary Dr Katele Kalumba over the NEC's decision to endorse President Banda as a sole candidate for the MMD presidency, Prof. Chirwa stated that the autopsy of the resolution construed by the NEC members at the meeting held at State House was unconstitutional according to MMD rule book.

"I wonder how Honourable Benny Tetamashimba could contemplate issuing a communiquĊ½ that is deceptive and in real terms against the bye-law of the party if not the country. Tetamashimba stated the MMD NEC to have endorsed His Excellency's candidature for the party's presidency under Article 10 (J) of the MMD constitution," he said.

He stated that Article 10(J) does not give the power to NEC members to choose and present a sole candidate for the party president.

"The Article 10(J) on page ten of the Constitution states and I quote "to be sincere, honest and truthful" as referred to obligations of every member. Indeed if the NEC has adopted His Excellency under Article 10, then I too qualify even more to stand at the convention for the presidency of our party. Under 10(a) I am committed to the objectives of the party more than many others; 10(b) To act in spirit of self-sacrifice," Prof. Chirwa stated.

"I even qualify more on this because I am dropping everything to come and help my party and country; 10(c) I have and I am here serving and providing the highest moral conduct; 10(d) I respect everything about the party including its image and property. To cut the long story short I meet all the twelve criteria under Article 10 including 10(J)."

He stated that the incompetence by Tetamashimba and other NEC members who drafted the communiquĊ½ has ruined our reputation as a credible leading party.

"We look foolish to the world outside that we have to lie in order to get what we want. Very sad story that now portrays His Excellency in the eyes of Zambians and our donors to be undemocratic and will impinge greatly on their confidence to advance the needed aid to the people of Zambia. This is our lifeline at present and we depend on aid. As you can see, this is truly contrary to what we stand for - democracy," read Prof. Chirwa's letter in part.

He stated that the only body that can choose a candidate for the party was the convention.

"If His Excellency wants to run for another term, he should, like all of us lodge his papers to the appointed returning officer 24 hours before the ballots are cast at the convention. In short the NEC has no power based on MMD constitution to float a candidate and to that matter a sole candidate (Article 38). I feel sorry for the hard working MPs. These elected MPs, have they been consulted? Certainly they have not," he stated.

He stated that disgracing the President in the eyes of the world was not something party members should take lightly.

"Therefore I am calling for you to convene a disciplinary hearing that will consider the expulsion of Mr. Tetamashimba. This should be done quickly and please keep me informed as the originator of this action. I am also surprised that I was not discussed at the NEC meeting. I have acted constitutionally by going through the process according to our constitution. I have informed you at every step what I will be doing to keep within the party rules. After all that effort from my part you deliberately ignored my candidature in a democratic process. I want to know why, hence this complaint," Prof. Chirwa stated.

"The other point is that we should stop holding meetings at Sate House. We will be accused of using taxpayers' money for MMD party matters. This should be stopped immediately if you do not want our party to be tainted. I look forward to your reply and to the replies of my earlier letters. I want to start campaigning and I want the party to give me a green light.

"At present I reserve the right and say "I Professor Clive Mulubwa Kondwani Chirwa do declare that I will be standing for MMD presidency and Republican presidency based on the constitutions of our party and country".

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