
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Rupiah can't reconcile himself mentally, charges HH

Rupiah can't reconcile himself mentally, charges HH
Written by George Chellah
Thursday, June 25, 2009 3:47:26 PM

RUPIAH Banda cannot reconcile himself mentally, UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema said on Thursday. And Hichilema wondered whether President Banda respects first lady Thandiwe since he cannot respect him and yet he is older than his wife. Reacting to President Banda's attacks, Hichilema said President Banda exhibited a personality split behavior.

"The measure he was talking about the economy such as not buying expensive motor vehicles, cutting on workshops...he forgot that they came from the same Hakainde he was criticizing. It is us who advised him on the measures he talked about," Hichilema said.

"What I wrote to him on how to run the country I can publish it because its public knowledge. This is why he cannot reconcile himself mentally. This is why he is insulting the opposition and in one vein getting their ideas. That's what I call split thinking."

He said President Banda was just ranting.

"Even his master of ceremony was at pains to control him. The master of ceremony was trying to prevent him from getting into an emotional phase. He kept saying, 'don't stop me'. My message to the diplomats is that they should think twice next time he calls a press conference," Hichilema said.

"There is a saying that when you are in a thicket, you may not know how large the forest is. This country does not deserve a President who calls diplomats and the international media to shout at citizens."

He expressed shock with the manner in which President Banda was addressing diplomats knowing fully well that they give the nation money.

He described President Banda's press conference as a disaster.

"If I was to rate it I would give it five per cent, 95 per cent was a total failure below par and below expectations. Two of his ministers who were seated in that press conference called me to apologize. They called me and said 'HH we are sorry.' He is an emotional President who is not up to date with what is going on in the country," he said.

He said President Banda was just blowing hot air saying he took note of his empty threats on his life.

"I am not scared by the way those are tactics he was brought up with, he was saying that Hakainde may never live to see the Presidency. I am not surprised because he was born and bread in a one-party state, which is obviously common with eliminations," Hichilema said.

"We have taken note of his threats on The Post and Fred M'membe. I don't even know who told him that Fred has wives and not a wife. I only know one wife myself like I have."

He said President Banda's attacks on The Post confirmed that he was encouraging violence on journalists.

"He is inciting his members. He can't use the presidency to intimidate people. Nobody has insulted him we are unhappy with this mediocre leadership, people are dying in hospitals and the teachers are not there," Hichilema said.

"He is setting up a commission we all know how long a commission takes. Rupiah Banda is committing genocide, who called the strikes? It's him, the first action he took as President was to hike salaries for themselves."

He advised President Banda to respect young people if the young people have to reciprocate. He said he would not be proud of a father like President Banda.

"He is calling me a young boy as good as his son. He is implying that he doesn't respect his son. His wife is younger than me, does he respect his wife?" Hichilema said.

"Since he says because I am young he should not respect those who are young. His wife is younger than me, is he saying he doesn't respect his wife because she is younger than me. If he married a young wife shouldn't he respect her as a wife? Rupiah yesterday was disaster."

He said President Banda was failing to lead the nation and must not hide behind age.

He said the act of the monkey urinating on him showed that even other creatures where angry with him.

"What inspiration did the nurses and teachers get from him, what sort of a President is he? We will not stop talking about the needs of the people of Zambia," he said.

On claims that he wanted a pact with MMD, Hichilema said a man of President Banda's age must not tell lies.

"The fact that I refused his proposal of me not running for the Presidency like others. If he interprets that being a pact then I am sorry," he said.

He warned that if he sends security forces to cramp down on citizens he would call him a dictator, saying President Banda was exhibiting dictatorial tendencies.

"He can't behave like he is a small God we will watch his steps. He must learn to say thank you instead of intimidating us he is so worried of the pact. We will disappoint him by staying together. When elections come in 24 months time we will see who will have the last laugh. His ministers were giggling because they couldn't withstand the quality of their President," Hichilema said.

He said President Banda must be ashamed for using State House to divide the country.

"He was talking tribal, I am better than him I was born in Zambia he was born in Gwanda, Zimbabwe. He is repeating the tribal statements he made in Katete," he said.

He said President Banda was the one responsible of pornography.

"Nobody wants to see nude pictures of a women giving birth. But why are women giving birth in wheelbarrows, he is responsible? If there was a proper President there could have been nurses and doctors in hospitals," he said.

He said President Banda has paid particular attention on education minister Dora Siliya.

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