
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Govt official accuses Munkombwe of nepotism

Govt official accuses Munkombwe of nepotism
Written by Mwala Kalaluka
Thursday, July 23, 2009 4:33:36 PM

SOUTHERN Province minister Daniel Munkombwe has been accused of displaying nepotistic tendencies through his involvement in the firing and appointment of district commissioners in the province. But Munkombwe has defended himself saying there is no single relative of his who is a district commissioner or married to one.

According to a highly placed government source, most of the district commissioners in the province are either directly or indirectly related to Munkombwe.

The source, who opted not to be identified, fearing victimisation, said Munkombwe had recommended for the termination of contracts of several district commissioners in the area with a view to replacing them with his relatives or MMD party stalwarts.

"I am talking about our provincial minister. He has removed most of the district commissioners in the province and he has only left his relatives," the source said. "The district commissioner for Livingstone [Francis Chika], the wife is the niece to Munkombwe. The district commissioner for Kalomo [Oliver Pelete], the late wife was a relative to Munkombwe."

The source said in Choma, both the district commissioner Laiven Apuleni and the recently appointed district administrative officer were all related to Munkombwe.

"The district commissioner for Mazabuka is a nephew to the provincial minister," the source charged. "There is also Gwembe where he wants to employ another relative and his name is Mr Mubambazi. He has recommended his appointment to go to Gwembe. Mr Mubambazi is currently Mbabala Constituency MMD chairman. He had contested in 2006 and lost."

The source said district commissioners for Gwembe [Dorothy Hamvula], Kazungula [Fred Siansutwe], Siavonga [Emily Striedl], Monze [Joyce Nondo] and Sinazongwe [Mungoni Simulilika] are the ones earmarked for firing at Munkombwe's behest.

"The DCs for Kazungula and Monze have already received their letters of termination of their contracts so that he [Munkombwe] fills in his relatives," the source said. "The feeling is that he is appointing relatives."

Another source said Nondo had since been replaced by Holland Munsaka, as acting as Monze district commissioner.

Nondo in an interview yesterday said she was grateful to the President for having afforded her the opportunity of serving the country for a period of seven years.

"When you are disappointed and when your contract is ended you must be happy because there is nothing that goes on forever," Nondo said. "Ì have joy in the Lord."

But Munkombwe, who demanded to know the source of this reporter's information, said he does not partake in the firing and appointment of district commissioners because the system had its own way of doing that.

"All I know is that Joyce Musokotwane, her contract expired sometime back. That is the only one I know," he said.

Munkombwe said those accusing him of nepotism in the appointment of district commissioners should prove their allegations.

"I do not have even a single one from Macha. I come from Macha," he said. "When Chika for Livingstone was appointed, they said he was my nephew. He comes from Sekute, I come from Macha and my father is Philip Chibwalu Moono from Mbole in chief Macha's area in Choma."

When reminded of assertions that he was related to Chika's wife, Munkombwe quickly pointed out the area where she comes from.

"Mrs Chika I think she comes from Pemba, Choompa area in chief Siamaundu's area," he replied.

On the pending appointment of Mubambazi as Gwembe commissioner, Munkombwe asked those accusing him of nepotism to state if Mubambazi does not qualify for the job.

"Can you ask them further whether he does not have a right? He was our candidate in the last election," he said. "If it is Mr Mubambazi, yes, he comes from Macha but he qualifies. I do not know who is going to Gwembe. Anyway, I do not know who is going where, the system has its own system of choosing people."

Munkombwe said the two brothers, Sikota Wina and his late brother Arthur Wina, were in the government at the same time and that there was nothing wrong with that because they qualified.

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