Monday, July 13, 2009

(HERALD) ‘Include majority in policy making’

‘Include majority in policy making’
Business Reporter

ZIMBABWE, like any other developing country, has to grapple with the challenges relating to extreme poverty of the majority of the people and the Government should not alienate the majority from key activities in the country, the Youth Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment Minister Saviour Kasukuwere has said.

Speaking at the Zimbabwe International Investment Conference in Harare last week Minister Kasukuwere said it was imperative that the government does not leave out the majority when mapping out economic polices.

"It is therefore a policy imperative that any development strategy adopted by Government should not continue to alienate the majority from being key drivers of activities in the country, be it in the economic, social or political sphere," he said.

Minister Kasukuwere said it was necessary for Government to avail opportunities for locals to participate in the mainstream economy.

"Any investment or development strategy that negates the key role of the majority population is unsustainable and is like a house without a foundation," he said.

The minister, however, extended an invitation to foreign investors citing that increased foreign direct investment presents the Zimbabwe economy with opportunities for increased production, employment, and development of infrastructure and acquisition of new technologies.

"The economic empowerment agenda seeks to lay a firm foundation for a democratic society in which all citizens equally enjoy economic and social justice with national pride, dignity and self confidence," he said.

A political scientist Livingstone Dzikira said: "Had white farmers who had large tracts of land shared the land in the year 2000, they would not have had to lose it the way they did," he said.

He cited an example of the political and economic disturbances in the Niger Delta oil fields, which are a result of the foreign investors’ refusal to share benefits with the locals.

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