
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

MMD cadres beat-up Post reporter in full view of Lusaka Police Division Commanding officer

MMD cadres beat-up Post reporter in full view of Lusaka Police Division Commanding officer
Written by Joseph Mwenda
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 3:12:20 PM

MMD carders this morning beat up a Post news reporter Chibaula Silwamba and harassed photographer Collins Phiri at Lusaka International Airport who went to cover President Banda’s return from Kampala, Uganda.

Narrating his ordeal, Chibaula explained that the cadres who were already at the airport at around 09:00 hours approached him and ordered him to leave the airport before they suddenly attacked him.

“I asked why they wanted me to leave but they just said because I was a Post reporter and others said it was because of the MMD woman whose pictures of praise for President Banda at Mansa Airport recently have been published in The Post,” he narrated.

“One of them grabbed me by the shoulder and started pushing me, before I even started walking, another one slapped me heavily on my left cheek. Then almost immediately, another one slapped me on the right cheek and they lifted me in the air in full view of the Lusaka Division Police commanding officer, Greenwell Ng’uni and other senior police officers. When I saw the commanding officer [Ng’uni], I called his name and asked for help, but he looked away. I called him loudly again and he just looked away even when he was just nearby.”

He said as the cadres continued harassing him, some police officers started pleading with the carders to leave him but they continued to manhandle him until they forcibly removed him from the airport premises.

“Even as I went outside near the car park they still came and started charging at me but then I jumped in the car and we quickly drove away,” he narrated.

Chibaula says he has sustained a serious headache but had not yet reported the matter to police.

“I feel my head is burning but I am yet to go to the hospital and I haven’t reported the matter to police since the commanding officer was there when I was being beaten,” he added.

Full story coming up…

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