Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Teta has failed, charges Masebo

Teta has failed, charges Masebo
Written by Patson Chilemba
Wednesday, July 01, 2009 3:41:26 PM

FORMER local government minister Sylvia Masebo has charged that her successor Benny Tetamashimba is venting his anger on her because he has failed to perform in the ministry. Featuring on a Muvi TV programme on Tuesday night, Masebo said there was too much controversy over the transactions that were conducted during her tenure because Tetamashimba had a problem.

"He's failing to perform in the Ministry. There has been so many comparisons, the public has been comparing him to me. So he's venting that anger on me. It is as if I am going round to tell the people that he is doing nothing. The city is dirty there is nothing happening," Masebo said.

"So he wants to bring me in because even if for arguments sake, let's assume that yes, there was corruption, then it started on 28 December and 7th January when they were paying the money."

Masebo said it was unheard of for a minister like Tetamashimba to pursue a former minister in the manner he was doing. She said if there was any wrongdoing on her part, Tetamashimba should have reported the same to the investigative wings

"You can only refer to a former minister if that minister stole or did something corruptly, and it won't be the minister pursuing another minister. The minister should even be ashamed to try and accuse the former minister, there are agencies of government to pursue me," Masebo said.

Masebo recently asked local government permanent secretary Coillard Chibbonta to report her to the relevant investigative wings if she acted corruptly on transactions involving the ministry.

In a letter to Chibbonta dated June 24, 2009, Masebo stated that she was surprised, disappointed and saddened that she should be called back to answer to past transactions when there was a sitting minister with all the supporting staff and files to help answer such past administrative or policy decisions.

She wrote to the permanent secretary following President Rupiah Banda's permission for her to explain the transaction involving the hearses.

"I wish to refer you to the above mentioned letter dated 31st May, 2009 which was addressed to me and copied to you among others and the various press statements made on the same subject by the minister of local government and housing, Hon. Benny Tetamashimba which are hereby attached for ease of reference," Masebo stated. "I also wish to draw your attention to today's press conference by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia Mr Rupiah B. Banda in which he has given me clearance as former minister of local government and housing to explain to the public details on the said transactions. His Excellency indicated that he too like others has no information and is equally anxious to know how these 100 hearses were procured.

"It is against this background that I write to you as permanent secretary and controlling officer to request that you avail me the necessary files or documents on the said transactions to help me respond to all queries by the public and the minister of local government and housing. You will appreciate that it would be difficult for me in the absence of documentation to clear the allegation that these hearses were not sold to government at US $29,000 dollars per unit but at US $9,000 dollars per unit."

She stated that it was also being said that boats purchased were not safe and may kill somebody.

But in response to Masebo, Tetamashimba in letter dated June 29, 2009, stated he would stand by Masebo and that he supported the purchase of hearses although his predecessor was aware of his ignorance on what transpired.

"I am only differing with you when you state in your letter that the hearses were costing USD29,000 each and not at USD 9000.00 when you were involved in knowing about the tender and who was given the tender. May I inform you that the question at hand is exactly where you want to give us an impression that anybody including me who believes the hearses were not bought at less than USD9300.00 each but USD29,000.00 per unit, is wrong meaning government spent about USD 2 million," Tetamashimba stated. "Let me inform you that the boats were bought at USD 9300.00 FOB per unit as per GRZ voucher scheme CPC 405 showing their importation being between 12th and 16th May, 2009 when all money was paid between 29th December, 2008 and 7th January, 2009."

Tetamashimba stated that the issue of hearses was clear that they were bought at FOB USD 9300 per unit.

"And when you add freight and maybe insurance of no more than USD 1700 each to be on the higher side, you are wrong to state in your letter that those who believe your USD29,000.00 per unit is theft of government money," Tetamashimba stated. "On the boats, one hundred and fifty Keep Zambia Clean vehicles and even Lusaka Girls land you will not trace your successor is not involved in anyway."

Tetamashimba stated that he had asked the Anti Corruption Commission and Auditor General to investigate the truth.

"And the Minister of Finance as custodian would be happy to inform the nation whether USD29,000.00 per hearse is when FOB is USD 9300.00 per hearse is what government can spend," stated Tetamashimba.

He stated that collective responsibility should not dent his name.

But reacting to Tetamashimba's letter, Masebo said she found it hard to understand what Tetamashimba was talking about. She said one could tell that Tetamashimba did not know what he was talking about.

Asked if she was scared to be probed by ACC, Masebo said in fact it was welcome for the investigative wings to probe the matter so that she could stop receiving useless letters from Tetamashimba. Masebo wondered what sort of ministry Tetamashimba was running, saying even his English was very poor such that he was thinking in vernacular and writing in English.

Masebo further said the US$ 29,000 for each hearse was the correct price which was approved by the Zambia National Tender Board (ZNTB) and implemented by the Ministry of Local Government. She said in the olden days, hearses were a necessity and not a luxury.

She also said she was disappointed that Tetamashimba recently prevailed over Chibbonta to suspend a female official in the ministry of local government for being involved in the purchase of hearses.

Asked if she would welcome a ministerial appointment, Masebo said she was ready to serve in any position. She said she had enjoyed working as member of parliament in the last six months.

"I'm working with people who seem to appreciate me," Masebo said.

She also said there was no basis for Tetamashimba to accuse her of the construction going on around Lusaka Girls school, saying she stopped the development but this was U-turned during Tetamashimba's administration.

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