Wednesday, August 19, 2009

(HERALD) MDC-T not serious about heroes

MDC-T not serious about heroes
EDITOR — MDC-T’s concept of hero cannot go unchallenged.

If Learnmore Jongwe falls into their category of this country’s heroes, then God really help Zimbabwe. That Learnmore Jongwe, who repeatedly stabbed his wife Rutendo Muusha to death, is likened to heroes of this country and that his name features when we are not only burying true heroes and commemorating is an affront to common decency?

Let MDC-T be reminded that although we have men and women who were consistently with the struggle and have been buried not only at the National Heroes’ Acre and at provincial heroes’ acres scattered around the country, it does not mean that there were no sellouts in Zanla and Zipra.

The infamous Nyathi who sold out big time and caused the death of thousands at Chimoio was a top-level guerrilla, but the bottom line is that he still sold out. Therefore, it does not mean that just because he was a guerrilla before selling out he should have been accorded hero status.

This was the same with Jongwe. He was an intelligent young man who probably had a bright political future ahead of him. He also had a high-level position in the MDC despite his youthful age. However, the issue is that Jongwe cold-bloodedly MURDERED his wife, and later committed suicide. We remember that he was given what some in his party would ascribe to a "heroes" send-off.

You can argue Jongwe’s case until kingdom come, but this example is not only an insult to the Muusha family, but it is also a misnomer on the meaning and implications of heroism.

This type of thinking endorses the double standards prevalent in some MDC-T elements who did not make so much noise after it was established that the truck that hit the vehicle in which Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai was travelling in, and which claimed the life of his wife was connected to both the Americans and the EU, and that it had US Embassy registration number plates.

Professor Jonathan Moyo asked 14 pertinent questions which still need to be answered. If those questions had anything to do with Zanu-PF, one does not need to be a genius to second-guess the mayhem that could have been caused.

MDC-T also said that there would be an independent inquiry, but the nation is still waiting for the results of that inquiry.

Both MDC formations have women’s wings, but their voices were conspicuous by their silence when the truck driver that killed the PM’s wife was given a paltry US$200 fine for culpable homicide. Does this amaze anyone also when the carnage on our roads continues unabated, if people kill and are fined $200?

Why also should the issue of hero status always come up each time liberation war heroes die, and each time we commemorate Heroes’ Day? Could there ever be a correlation between the likes of Jongwe and the late Vice President Joseph Msika?

Zimbabwe still writhes under economic sanctions, and we want to be forced to call the people who invited these sanctions on us, heroes? Mama mia!

Sibongile Kwanai.


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